Arrivée - One of many

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Hi to all who read this. It's been quite some time since I last share from the one and only writer of Kyufic I read here on this orange world. I'm not going to share much just 1 quote from the abovementioned story title from Sshihobitt.

I rewrite this draft from the one I wrote when we found out about those robbers who steal my friend's manuscript by whatever illegal method they have but decided not to post because I didn't want to add the fuel.

Anyway back to my post, there's something about the 9th chapter of Arrivée.. it's like finding the wisdom you have been seek for so long.. it always appear after a period of time.. just keep seeking dear seekers. It's all up to each individual actually to let go or keep searching the reasons behind the occurrences they met in life. This might not applicable to some people but it is definitely my way to see things, fate etc.

Please, I hope none of you who follow me here is one of the culprit who dare to sell my friend's hardwork

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Please, I hope none of you who follow me here is one of the culprit who dare to sell my friend's hardwork.  Seriously, nobody have the right to do that after reading her soul's for free. Shame.

By Ssihobitt - My Cuppa TeaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang