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Shu's POV

drip drip

I winced as a droplet of water splattered my hair, temporarily staining it grey. The more I climbed down into the dark, icy abyss, the hotter it got and melted the ice away. Most likely because of an underground pool of lava (y/n) had warned me about. 

At least it warmed me up. Before, I was shivering so much I thought I was going to pass out from the cold and die. Now, my body felt nice and toasty again, almost leading me to believe that I was in New York still, rather than Antarctica. 

The bad news was it melted the ice away. And this rocky hole is surrounded by ice. The heat melted the ice away into water, and then the water ends up falling onto the poor person climbing down the hole.


I am the poor person. Giving a frustrated sigh, I continued climbing down into the darkness, a 100m rope secured around my stomach just in case. I could vaguely see where I was going, only a fraction of the winter sun leaking down here.

Fumbling down cautiously, I lowered myself down deeper into the hole.  The heat started to increase, and I knew I was getting closer to the source. I reached out to grab a ledge of rock that was slipping out, and nearly fell when my hands slipped due to the water.

"Shoot," I muttered to myself, frowning in concentration as I lowered myself deeper into the darkness. It felt like I had been climbing down for at least an hour when I reached the cavern the hole led to. 

Light suddenly started pouring in, illuminating the hole. It wasn't from above, but rather underneath. My heart raced at seeing (y/n) again and I started climbing down faster, before I eventually jumped onto the smooth, rock ground. 

Passing through an archway, it led me into a big cavern where light and heat suddenly overwhelmed me. 

In the far right corner was a steady stream of lava gushing out from some rocks. The flowing liquid heat of scarlet and orange lit up the entire room, and provided warmth. It curved throughout the whole room, slicing it in half with a curved line. 

On the upper left corner of the line was a bookshelf decked with all sorts of books; ranging from the Hunger Games series to Dragon Ball manga. In front of the book shelf was a mahogany table neatly pushed against the rock wall, laden with mocha & dango. A TV hung above it. 

On the other side of the room was a bed with scarlet & black embroided pillows and quilt with golden lining. Above the bed was two posters, one of Chungha and the other of the God Blader's tournament announcing her victory. A bedside table was placed on the left side of the bed, and on the other was a display cabinet.

I recognized the 2nd place trophy for the Japan National Tournament from when I lost to Lui. She had five of them. No wonder she used to hate Lui so much... All her previous beys were lined up in there as well, along with a signed BTS and EXO album, as well as many framed photos. 

In spite of myself, I felt my heart flutter when I saw a picture of us two together when we were dating with a golden frame. Shaking my head, I glanced at the trophy that took up the most space.

The God Blader's Cup first place trophy. It was a massive, golden cup with the beyblade symbol engraved on the front. And on the wooden base, on a golden plaque, was her name inscribed in cursive.

My 2nd place trophy looks so small compared to that. 

Anyways, in the middle of the room, positioned above the stream of lava was a stadium. A classic one. At least, that's what I first thought. On closer inspection I saw small lines engraved into the stadium, each one having holes around the rim, as if something was to come out from the holes and fill the lines in the stadium. 

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