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Your POV 

Golden light filtered through the translucent white curtains, awaking me from the night full of dreams and snores.

Yawning, I stretched my arms and blinked groggily. A smile made its way onto my face as I recalled the events of last night, and a warm feeling began to worm its way around my body, spreading to even the tips of my fingers and toes. 

It was relatively early in the morning, but I didn't see the point of sleeping in when I could see my boyfriend. The smile grew bigger as I got changed, replaying last night in my mind over and over again. 

"(y/n)?" murmured Naru sleepily, her left eye slowly opening. "Is it time to get up?"

"No, I'm just weird, you can sleep still," I finished doing my signature panda buns. I shot her a wide smile. "See you later then!"

With a skip in my step I made my way through Aiga's house to his room, the timber floor creaking softly with every movement I made.

I rapped gently onto the door of the room, and then the excitement took a hold of me and I opened it. "Good morn- oh my gosh!"

The happiness in my voice vanished as I took in the scene in front of me. Shu look like he had just woken up, his white locks spread around him as he blinked blurrily. Aiga was on top of Shu, sitting on his chest with his head leaned forward and staring into Shu's eyes. 

"Oh my gosh!" I repeated, shocked beyond anything. "Are you guys...are you guys wouldn't! Shu! We just started dating!"

"I just woke up!" he yelled in defense. 

I turned to Aiga. "Where you- oh my gosh, were you assaulting-"

"No, no, no!" Aiga shook his head frantically, waving his arms. "It's not like that!"

I glared at him. "That's exactly what somebody guilty would say-"

"I swear!" Aiga said pleadingly. "I wasn't assaulting Shu! I swear on my life! I swear on Achilles!"

"Fine!" I crossed my arms. "I'll let you go. But only because I'm in a good mood."

"That's weird, I'm in a good mood too," Shu smiled at me, and my cheeks tinged pink. 

Aiga glanced back and forth at the two of us. He smacked his head. "Oh no. You two are dating again, aren't you?"

"Yup!" I nodded happily, popping the 'p'. 

"On one hand, I'm happy because it took you guys forever," Aiga muttered to himself. "But on the other, I have to third wheel!"

"Third wheeling with us isn't so bad," I pouted.

Aiga shook his head. "No, it really is. I heard about it all from Fubuki."

"That little jerk," I growled and Shu only laughed in amusement. "Well, you look excited too. What's new? I know for sure you didn't become a boyfriend overnight."

"I had a realization," his eyes sparkled. "About Achilles! So Shu, I want you to battle me again!"

"Sure," Shu nodded, standing up. "Let's do it. I just gotta get changed first, you two can go to the stadium first."

"Alright!" Aiga saluted before running off. 

I glanced back at Shu. "Be quick. I want to see you again soon."

"Of course," he assured me and with a smile, I walked off towards the other building. 

Outside, dawn was only just breaking but the sun was already shooting its rays across the fields, basking Aiga's home in warm light. The grass seemed greener than usual and more soft. Birds were flying up ahead, their birdsong louder than usual. 

crimson III [shu kurenai x reader]Where stories live. Discover now