Chapter 923

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At the same time as this scene was playing out on TV, deep down in the research institute secret base, a luxuriously decorated room was ablaze with lights and fully furnished. Computer screens that could simulate the outdoor environment were mounted on the walls of this room. People who lived in this room would have a misconception they were on the ground surface.

Xu Feifei was sitting in front of a desk thoughtfully supporting her head with her little hands. According to her original plan, she would have left for Huaxia several days ago.However, her plan had been exposed. Before leaving the base, she was detained and put under house arrest in this room.

But she had anticipated this. After all, she was in a research institute of the Rothschild Family, which had prospered for several hundred years. How could they let her go so easily?

Also, this place was deeply hidden underground. It was impossible for her to escape. Therefore, Xu Feifei had dismissed the idea of escape. Now she was considering whether she should give the formulation to the Rothschild Family.




She knocked on the desk with her fingers as she considered her plans for her next moves seriously. She was quite clear that she was being well-treated because the research institute still needed her. And she was the only one needed by them. Because she was the only one in the world who could work out the formulation and give it to the institute. This formulation was related to the future plans of the Rothschild Family. Therefore, they had to detain her, treat her well, and wait patiently for her answer.

As for how long their patience would last, Xu Feifei also didn't know the answer to this.

The most nerve-racking problem for her now was that if she handed in the formulation, the only consequence for her would be to be killed by the Rothschild Family!

"I didn't expect that this would be what it boiled down to!" At the thought of this, Xu Feifei could only smile wryly.

For so long a time, she only had had one goal – she would achieve great accomplishments in foreign countries. When she was strong enough, she would go back to Huaxia and confront the Xia Family, so that she could avenge her elder brother!

However, she didn't expect that it would be so difficult to achieve her goal. She had reached this height with great difficulty but was still no match for the strength of the big families.

The Rothschild Family was even more horrible than the Xia Family. They controlled the M Nation secretly. Xu Feifei knew she only had two options.

She could refuse to disclose the formulation and be killed, or she could ask the Rothschild Family to wipe out the Xia Family first. Then she could give the formulation to them.

Of course, no matter what she chose, she would die at last! "Alas! This is so nerve-racking!"

Xu Feifei sighed and touched her forehead. However, she was quite calm and was not scared by her certain death. After all, she had become a strong-minded woman and was no longer a little girl. She was not afraid of death. But she was trapped in a dilemma between saving the world and avenging Xu Que.


At this time, a sound rang out from the room's door. Then, the mechanical iron door of the room, which was very thick, was opened slowly.

Xu Feifei turned around and said coldly, "Get out! I said nobody is allowed to enter without my permission!"

The newcomers were those principals of the secret base who had been watching the live show just now. At this time, they were standing at the entrance with smiles on their faces and didn't dare to enter the room.

One of them said, "Distinguished Miss Xu, actually we are here to pick you up and take you out of this facility!"

"Leave here?"

Xu Feifei's expression changed subconsciously, for she thought they were about to kill her now.

However, the next moment, she realized something was wrong. They addressed her as "Distinguished Miss Xu", which was totally different from how they had addressed her at the very beginning.

"Yes, Miss Xu. Your elder brother wants to see you today, so we will send you to him immediately!"

The man nodded his head politely.

My elder brother?

Hearing that, Xu Feifei looked shocked and asked seriously, "What do you mean? Are you going to kill me now?"


People at the entrance were stunned by her words. The young man explained hurriedly, "No, Miss Xu, we won't kill you! Your elder brother, Xu Que, hijacked Mr. Levan. He asked us to send you to him in front of all the people around the world!"

"What?" Xu Feifei was stunned.

My elder brother hijacked Mr. Levan?

Have you lost your mind?

My elder brother has been dead for so many years!

Did he climb out of his casket?

"Eh, Miss Xu, you will understand what we have said when you watch this video. We recorded it from the live show!"

The young man took out a tablet computer and pressed it several times. The TV in Xu Feifei's room switched on and started to play the video from the tablet computer.

On the screen, Xu Feifei saw Xu Que place a pink nail cutter on Levan's neck and talk to the camera overbearingly. The scene and his momentum stunned Xu Feifei, who was dumbfounded in disbelief.

"How could...this be?"

Xu Que's face and wicked tone would perfectly match those of her elder brother in her memory.

Is he still alive?

This idea flashed in Xu Feifei's mind. Then, she saw Xu Que kill several members of the Rothschild Family with a strand of flame after finishing his threatening words.

All at once, her mind went blank in shock.


At the same time, in the villa, Xu Que still had the nail cutter on Levan's neck. He kept moving it as if he were trying to find Levan's blood vessel. Levan's face was covered by cold sweat. He even didn't dare to breathe deeply. He said carefully, "Mr. Xu, I've received the reply from the secret base. They are coming to us with your younger sister. She is safe and sound. Could you release me now?"

Xu Que knocked at Levan's head directly and said with a cold smile, "Stop dreaming. None of you can leave this room until I see my younger sister!"

After saying that, he looked up and stared at the video camera. Then he said with a shiny smile, "My buddies who are watching this live show, if you think I was cool when I knocked Levan's head just now, please click Awesome!

Hey, thanks for your gifts. I will continue to knock at his head to show my gratitude!"


People in front of TVs all around the world almost spat blood.

Netizens of Huaxia were totally amused:


"Hah-hah, this is so funny! He is really good at amusing others!"

"This is a live show on TV!

How could he treat it as a webcast?"

"Nobody would send gifts to him. He just wants to knock at Levan's head with this excuse!"

"Right! How could we send gifts to him during a live show on TV?"

"Why not?

The Exploding Heavens Faction is omnipotent!"

"Come on, buddies of the Exploding Heavens Faction, let's click and send gifts to him. The Exploding Heavens Faction can afford it!"

"Crap! Previously, I would only have treated your words as a joke! But now I believe you! He even dared to hijack the heir of the Rothschild Family. Money is really no longer a problem!"


At this time, Xu Que was still acting mischievously in front of the video camera. After a short while, Levan's phone started to ring.

He trembled a bit and picked up the phone hurriedly. Then he turned to Xu Que and said, "Mr. Xu, your younger sister has arrived safely. She is just outside the villa now!"

"Oh? You are quite efficient!"

Xu Que raised his eyebrows ordered the villa down with his mind. Soon, the entire villa started to drift down. People in the villa were in a panic for they felt the weightlessness as if they were in a lift which was moving downward rapidly.


Suddenly, the villa returned to its original position. People who had been totally scared finally stabilized themselves.

At this moment, Xu Que stepped out of the villa together with Jiang Hongyan.

Outside the villa, they saw a short-haired graceful girl in a white lab coat who was walking toward them slowly under the protection of several foreigners and soldiers.

When Xu Que walked out of the villa, he saw her immediately.

Xu Feifei also saw Xu Que. Then she stopped walking and stood there in a daze! She had imagined countless possibilities on her way. She had even thought this was a conspiracy of the Rothschild Family.

However, when she saw her elder brother, she was relieved and her eyes were filled with tears.

He is really alive!

This is for real. And this is not a dream!

But why hasn't he shown up in so many years?

But why hasn't he found me in so many years?

Does he know what my life was like in those years?

"Xu Que, you are a bastard!" Xu Feifei shouted as she cried. Then she her dashed toward Xu Que full of excitement and anger!

Holy crap!

Seeing that, Xu Que remembered this girl's barbarous behavior when she was young. He turned to Levan and shouted immediately, "Come on, contact a German osteopathic hospital for me!"


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