Chapter 7- Last Chapter

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration

Tianna's POV~
It was the day of the Rostelecom Cup Free Skate and everyone in the Women's Skate was warming up or putting in their costumes in the changing room.

I knew I wanted to win, I needed to win for my brother

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I knew I wanted to win, I needed to win for my brother. I wanted him to be proud of me.

I sighed and went to go put on some light makeup and put my hair up.

I waited for my turn in the ice and was stretching so my muscles wouldn't cramp during my routine.

It was my turn after the second to last person went so I looked at my brother, who was in the crowd and smiled. He smiled back and I had a new burst of confidence to win. Not only for my brother to be proud of me, but so i could make my own legacy.

The music started and I put my heart and soul into the routine, blocking out all sounds except for the music and the sounds of the blades on the ice.

I wanted to challenge myself and I had adrenaline pumping through my veins so I did what most skaters would never do at the end of their routine, a quad flip. I landed it and since I changed the last jump, Yakov would probably yell at me. I finished my last step and ended into my ending pose.

The music faded and then I could here the crowd cheering for me, all sounds could be heard again.

Dozens of flowers and plushies were thrown onto the ice and I waved to the crowd.

I skated off the ice and went to the kiss and cry area. Yakov and Lilia were already there so I quickly sat in the middle seat, waiting for my score.

It was quickly announced that I had the highest score and was placed in first for the program. Since I had extra points for composing the music, it was also added onto my score.

I went to the changing room after I got my score so I put on an outfit for the outdoors and my Russia jacket. I also added the fox headbands my fans wore for a simple touch.

 I also added the fox headbands my fans wore for a simple touch

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Reincarnated Into Yuri! On Ice [As Yurio's Sister]Where stories live. Discover now