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Betty's POV
I'm staying with FP for the time being. I don't know how long, but until I get back on my feet; until I have enough money to live on my own. He started to tell me a little about his son, Jughead. He said that Jughead was in Toledo with his mom and sister for the time being and how we're the same age. I couldn't be more grateful for his help. I will start online high school soon, since I am not going to school pregnant. Though I'm due in about 6 months, I need to do something besides study.

I've spoken to Pop Tate, the owner of the local diner and he agreed to give me shifts while others my age are at school. It helps me earn some money for myself as well as to help pay off FP. He insists it isn't necessary, but I do wish to give him at least a small token of appreciation for everything that he does for me.

Also, since I hadn't scheduled a 10 week appointment, I was in desperate need for a checkup. I'm almost 4 months pregnant, and I set up an appointment in a few days. I'm nervous, though this is necessary to see if my baby is ok. I'm looking forward to my busier life; I have a home, food, education, and even a job. Life couldn't be better at the moment. Or could it?

Time skip a few days because why not

I walked into the office, the woman smiling brightly at me. I had explained to her part of my situation, and she was quite understanding. She smeared the gel all over my stomach and started the process. Well, it looks like you're having a healthy baby girl! Congratulations. So far, she looks great. She's growing at the normal rate and should be due right on time. I couldn't help but smile and tear up a little. This just became so much more real. I'm having a baby girl! I rushed back home to FP to tell him the great news. He's been a better father to me this past week than my parents had been since forever. My mother was never very nice to me and my father left when I was young. I still don't know what happened; I could only assume he walked out on us, or worst case scenario, was arrested for something. I opened the door only to see FP on the phone. He sounded... angry?

Betty Cooper. Such a sweet girl. I feel so bad that this happened to her. By now, I had had enough. I had to call Alice. It's not that Betty was a pain to live with, quite the opposite actually. I enjoy the company and she's a very smart person which only makes our conversations more interesting. Alice and I were inseparable in high school. Then, she became 'too good' for Riverdale and left with the one and only Hal Cooper. I had no intentions of telling Alice to come pick Betty up, nor really to inform her on her daughter's current situation. I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. I quickly dialled her number while Betty was at her appointment. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, Alice Cooper speaking," she said in the other side of the line. "Are you out of your damn mind Alice?! Skip the pleasantries. You kicked your daughter out of the house because she was pregnant? Do you even know how?!" I roared into the phone. "FP, hi. What do you know about my daughter?" She demanded. Her voice went from confused to angry very quickly. "It's not my place to tell you anything Alice. Just know that you ruined your chance of having both a daughter and a grandchild. Goodbye." With that, I hung up. I was still fuming. I turned around and saw Betty standing at the door frame.

"What was that about?" She asked cautiously. I brushed it aside. "Nothing you need to worry about just yet. How about you? How did the appointment go?" I asked excitedly. She rubbed her stomach and smiled. "She's healthy, FP. This just became so much more real." I widened my eyes. "She?" I repeated. Betty nodded. "I can't wait to see a mini you running around!" I exclaimed happily. "Me too," Betty replied, smiling. I hugged her the tightest I could without harming the baby growing inside of her.

"So, do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" She asked suddenly. I sighed and began my story. "That was... your mother I was in the phone with. We were the best of friends in high school, until she decided that she was too good for this town and moved to New York City with Hal Cooper. I called her to give her a piece of my mind for kicking you out. I really enjoy having you here, and it wasn't to get her to pick you up. More just to tell her what I've been feeling for the past years. I didn't tell her that you were with me, but I'm sure she figured that much out. Anyways, if she comes to get you back, I'm sorry. That is unless you want to go back with her." She leaned back further into the chair she was sitting in. After a moments thought, she simply said "No, I don't think I'd want to go back to her. She did disown me after all. You've been more a father to me this past week I've been here than my biological father ever has been. He left when I was really young. If it doesn't bother you- can I stay here if she comes back?" "Of course!" I replied enthusiastically. "I love the company, and you're honestly a gem to have around. I'll be happy to keep you here for as long as you need." She smiled sadly and we shared another hug. Betty Cooper was something else.

Hi friends!!
Sorry this is taking so long to update, I've kind of had writers block and I've been lacking motivation a little. Also, go follow my friend ximcatpup or at least check out her book, she's really talented. It's full of really good and deep poems. If that kind of thing interests you, go ahead, you won't regret it. Another thing that we mustn't forget, it's this lovely creatures birthday.

 (I know it was yesterday but I didn't have wifi) so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN AND COLE SPROUSE!!

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(I know it was yesterday but I didn't have wifi) so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN AND COLE SPROUSE!!

I hope you're enjoying my story so far, and Jughead should only be introduced in a few chapters. Thanks for voting and commenting, it's greatly appreciated!

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