Honey Bee

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Role || Honey Bee

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Role || Honey Bee

Name || Anastasia Hamilton

Nicknames || 
•Ana (By Everyone)
•Stasia (feel free to call her this)
•Honey / Bee (there's this running joke that she acts like the creature, this is her main nickname)
•Snow White (again, feel free)
•Darling (by anyone of authority)
•anything else you want to give her!

Code Name ||  Snow White

Age || 14 

Gender || Female 

Sexuality || Heterosexual

Faceclaim || Malina Weissman

Height || 4'9 (I know, a shortie) 

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Height || 4'9 (I know, a shortie) 

Weight || around 90 pounds ish, it fluctuates

Normal Outfit || pastel blue thigh length hoodie, depending on the weather either athletic shorts or black leggings. She prefers to keep it Indy and casual, and usually wears string bracelets on her wrists, occasionally a scrunchy. 

Personality || in lack of better terms, Anastasia is what could be considered 'innocent'. She tends to be generous and overly kind, something that often is used against her. She's intelligent, though is merely book smart, having no street/social smarts. She's quite naive and gullible, leading her to be easily emotionally manipulated. Though she is seen as an sensitive, gentle type person, shes very protective over her loved ones, especially those younger than herself (meaning 'If I Could Turn Back Time' ). She gets easily flustered around those she's intimidated by, and by that I mean almost anyone, that fact leading to her permanent blush.

Likes || oversized sweaters, animals of any sort, 'Emerald Abyss' , hot chocolate, chocolate in general, roller coasters, the scent vanilla, anything soft

Dislikes || any of her fears, animal cruelty, noises (they get her to overwhelmed), wing to cold/to hot, people using their powers against her

Strengths || though it takes a while, her connection with others is quite strong. She's also very well skilled with her gift, and can easily use it on a day to day basis. Her compassion and empathy is another strength

Weaknesses || she often doesn't want to use the full extent of her powers so that she doesn't hurt others, she's much to naive, easily frightened, often puts others ahead of herself even when she shouldn't, she's quite oblivious

Fears || needles, the dark, the Ocean (Certain aspects), being ignored, failure, kidnapping, and paranormal things

Powers || he can speak to and control animals, though only to an certain extent. For example, how much willpower an animal has makes them more difficult to control. Her specialty is birds and bees

Quotes ||
•I'm sure I'll get along somehow, everything's going to be alright
•Polite boys are so much more attractive
•I'm desperate and lonely, Snow White looking for her Prince Charming

Theme Song || Prom Queen

Aesthetic ||

Other || she has a fully white cat named Dove

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Other || she has a fully white cat named Dove

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