After Live AID

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Freddie walks out slowly as he stares out to the crowd. This is what his life has been leading up to. Brian, John and Roger set up.

Freddie sits down at his piano. His plays a few chordes and he tunes it up. He stares intensely at Mary, David and his new boyfriend Jim.

He begins to play the opening to Bohemian Rhapsody. The crowd cheers and the band play.

•Bohemian Rhapsody
•Radio Ga Ga
•Hammer To Fall
•Crazy Little Thing Called Love
•We Will Rock You
•We Are The Champions

Freddie walks off the stage with a kiss. The band follow.

Freddie realises that if he is dying, he wants to leave a big legacy behind when he dies.

When the band go back to their studio, they get a call from Ray Foster.

-R "So, you made it. Congrats."

-F "Thank you. Bohemian Rhapsody has hit number one in a lot of countries. So I guess you need to quit if you rejected the greatest band ever."

Brian takes the phone amd slams it back in the answering machine.

-B "He will convince us to join him again. We won't. We can't take on another money taking pr*ck."

Roger laughs.

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