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> marshclan cats live in a muddy , wet swampy marshland . their prey consists of mice , frogs , toads , ravens , and crows . they are sneaky and usually have darker pelts with the occasional dark ginger or russet . rarely is there a white coat seen among their ranks .


> moorclan cats live on dry , scorching moorland . their prey consists of field mice , rabbits , hares , and birds . their pelts mostly consist of lighter colors such as white , cream , or light gray . they are loyal and defensive of their clan . they are to the east of marshclan territory .


> coveclan cats live on the rocky cliffside bordering a beautiful beach . these cats are tough , and fight for what they believe in . their prey consists of fish , crabs , mice , voles , and the occasional turtle .





batstar — skinny black tom with hazel eyes

pondstar — dark gray tabby molly with white underbelly and paws ; forest green eyes


eveningstem —  fluffy dark gray tabby tom with yellow eyes

fawnberry — small dark brown molly with black paws and face ; hazel eyes
apprentice — ebonypaw

medicine cat

ivywhisper — sleek , black oriental shorthair molly with pale blue eyes
apprentice — milkpaw

medicine cat apprentice

milkpaw — very fluffy , mottled , milky white molly with blue eyes


swampstride — muscular black tom with brown patches and white underbelly ; deep golden eyes

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