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Hello, my name is Misone aka author-nim and I'm very excited to show you all my latest story. As an autistic person myself, I grew up with all of the challenges that came with being autistic, so I've decided to write a story about what it would be like if Namjoon faced those same issues also.

One thing I really hope to achieve from this book is for people to have a better understanding on what it's really like to have autism and how it affects different people on the spectrum in our own specific ways. I want to help everyone see that how we're portrayed in society is not how we are in real life. We are people, with real emotions. Not a psychiatric research project that some "foundations" *cough* *cough* Autism Speaks *cough* view us as. I see this misconception alot and it's really upsetting.

^ Things like this are what I'm talking about. This is a horrendous representation of what the autistic community is like.

I want everyone to know what it's really like and that it's not as terrible as everyone thinks it is.

This story is intended to create a different vision and emotion in the readers. I can't wait to get started and I hope everyone enjoys it! :)


Please do not copy my work. Plagiarism is illegal. If I see any story that is clearly doing this I will report it.

● This story is fictional. It is not based on real life events, so please do not take it literally :)

That's all I have to say for now! Enjoy the story! 💜💜

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