Hospital (part1)

764 37 4

8:30 am

Okay so, Mathew found out about bey and Nicki. He forced bey into telling him by raping her. His reaction was kinda shocking because when he found out he started crying and hugging bey and telling her he was proud that she had found someone but then this morning he raped her again and beat her worse than before.

This time her scars we harder to cover up but she managed to do without her makeup looking trash. One problem was she was in a lot of pain and she had p.e today.

Bey sat in her seat slowly and carefully as she was in so much pain. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone or socialise with anyone.

One thing she was thankful for is Mathew not taking her promise ring that Nicki gave her.

The class soon started to fill up with students.

The silence in the classroom that sounded like heaven to Beyoncé's ears was now flooded with the loud chatter of all the big mouthed students.

Beyoncé put her earphones in listening to a recording of her mother's heartbeat as that always seemed to calm her down and make her feel like her mother was with her, whispering in her ear "I'm here bey", "I'm here", " I'm here baby", "mommy's here baby", "mommy's here".

She put her head down on the table and was just listening to the recording till someone tapped her on her shoulder. She slowly looked up to see who it was. It was Nicki.


Bey nodded her head towards her before putting her head back down.

R:"yo nic wassa up with bey?" Rih whispered

N:"I don't know" nic whispered back

Nicki turned back to bey and tapped her again.

N:"bey?, bey baby, what's wrong?" Nicki whispered lowly

Bey lifted her head a bit and just shook her head.

The bell went and bey was the first one out the class. She walked as fast as she could, despite how much pain she was in, to the bathroom that no one uses. She walked into a stall and locked the door. She knelt down in front of the toilet taking deep breaths before she threw up. It hurt her to throw up because there was nothing to throw up since she never eats.

She heard the door open but paid no attention to it because she knew who it was already.


B:"in here baby"

Faith rushed to the stall next to bey's and jumped over into bey's one.

Since the stall was big enough, faith landed on her feet next to bey.

F:" R u ok mom? This is the 3rd time you've thrown up and it's still the morning"

B:"I'm fine, it's probably just a bug"

F:"or you could be pregnant? You should get checked out"

B:"no, no i can't be pregnant, Mathew will make me get rid of it and I don't wanna go through that pain again"

F:"I won't let him, but just get checked out ok"


Bey got up after she stopped throwing up and flushed the toilet. She got out a toothbrush and toothpaste from her bag and brushed her teeth, after she popped a piece of gum in her mouth and left out the bathroom with faith trailing behind her.

As soon as she stepped out she bumped into Nicki who hugged the life out of her making her flinch and wince a bit. Nicki pulled back real quick and looked at bey.

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