Nicki's birthday (part 1)~ school

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Friday 8th December

Ever since my dad passed away, life has been a lot worse. It's hard to believe but it's true.

Every time I leave my house I know I'm not safe. In the hood, I'm safe and protected but as soon as I'm out of that protection I get jumped and raped. Most of the time it's from rival gangs that are tryna get back at him through me, even though he's dead, and the other times it's people that were close to my dad. He asked them when he dies to carry on doing what he was doing to me.

He didn't mean it, and he wanted to tell them to not do it but he never got the chance to.

Right now I'm in the school bathroom tryna hide the fresh bruises that sat upon my face.

As I was finishing up, some girl came into the bathroom. She looked at me and smirked walking up to me.

I started walking backwards till she trapped me in a corner.

She put one hand around my neck, chocking me and the other started travelling up my thigh.

This was also another thing happened, the torture wouldn't stop outside school, it carried on in school. I tried to push her away but I was too weak.

She leaned up so our lips were inches apart, her hand inched up my thigh and the grip she had on my neck got tighter.

"You like that?"

I shook my head no as tears streamed down my face.

"Wrong answer" she smirked at me and whistled for someone.

Two of her friends walked in and pushed me down on the sofa, holding me down, whilst the girl raped me.

I kept moving and crying and screaming for help but nothing worked.

"Stay still!" She growled, gripping my thighs tighter.

I heard the door open and looked towards it.
It was Nicki.

I shouted at her to help me but she just walked out the bathroom with tears in her eyes.

"Haha, my job is done here" the girl laughed evilly, finishing up. Her friends laughed along with her before leaving.

I felt so disgusted with myself, I couldn't take it. I got up slowly and washed my hands, I needed to go home and take a shower.

I limped out the bathroom with tears in my eyes, when I left I was faced with Nicki crying and cardi and Rihanna comforting her.

She must have got the wrong idea.

When cardi saw me, she started charging at me but stopped halfway and looked at me sympathetically.

"Nic are you sure she was cheating on you? Because she doesn't look like it"

Really?! Cheating?! She calls what she saw cheating!

"Are you serious? You saying what you just saw is me cheating on you, really?"

Rihanna looked towards me and sighed. "So what happened then?"

"I don't wanna talk about it" I shook my head and looked away as tears formed in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"See! You don't wanna talk about you cheating on me! That's low Beyoncé, real low and it's my birthday as well! I knew you were a cheater! I hate you!" She screamed bursting into tears again. Tears ran down her face uncontrollably. Rihanna shook her head at me and held nic close comforting her.

"You know what I've had enough of this shit! You always accuse me of cheating, when I have no reason to cheat! I'm too busy for all that! I didn't know that two people holding you down whilst someone rapes you is considered cheating! I didn't know that shouting for help and moving away means cheating! I didn't know saying no was the new yes for rape!, I didn't know that rape was the new meaning for cheating! Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep that in mind for next time!" Grabbing my shit I stormed off out of school. Rihanna ran after me calling my name.

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