Collection II - Out Of Light

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Amidst The Fog

Amidst the fog

That a city exhales

More and more

With every breath

As it comes to life

And battles death

All of the people

That toil through life

Four million

Yet I'm so alone

Here amidst the fog

That a city exhales

More and more

With every breath

As it comes to life

And battles death

-J.Z. Sherrington, 2012 (Age: 15)

Death Is Not The End (Distance)

Death is not, the end, no

Death is not, the end, no

We will rise again, oh

Death is not, the end, no

Death is not the end, no

Death is not, the end, no

We will rise again, oh

Death is not, the end, no

Breathe with me once more

Dream of beautiful shores

Where clouds and life dance, once more

Death is not, the end, no

Death is not the end, no

Death is not, the end, no

We will rise again, oh

Death is not, the end, no

Once more into the fray

Even if it may be our last day

Where clouds and life dance once more, beautiful shores

Death is not, the end, no

Death is not the end, no

Death is not, the end, no

We will rise again, oh

Death is not, the end, no

Take my hand and cross this land

Collection II "Out Of Light"Where stories live. Discover now