Negan x reader - Say sorry to Richard

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Pairing: Negan x reader, Simon x sister!reader

Summary: The reader feels neglected because Negan rarely spends time with her anymore. Fearing the worst, the reader asks advice from her older brother Simon and eventually tries to get her husband's attention in her own special way.

Words: ~ 2050

Warnings: lots of cussing, Negan being Negan, angry Negan

A/n: This was supposed to be a short story with maybe 300 or 400 words but like you all see, it turned out a lot longer than intended again. It's supposed to be a funny, little story and I really hope you all enjoy reading it. My inspiration comes from a little present some friends gave me a week ago.


Since weeks Negan seems to make it his mission to ignore you. You understand being a leader is a very stressful job which tends to exhaust Negan most days but still, you can't stop feeling neglected and lonely by your husband's behavior.

Does Negan even notice how much he hurts you with his attitude? Does he even notice he has been ignoring you these past weeks?

Well, at least it doesn't seem so. No matter how hard you try to get his attention, nothing seems to work. No seductive looks when you pass him in the halls, not even his favorite tight dress which hugs all of your curves the right way gives you the desired effect.

The first thought which comes to mind is that he neglects you to spend more time with his other wives. You're his newest wife and since your 'wedding' you get showered in his attention, no other wife seems to interest him anymore. He knows you're the only one of his wives who truly wants to be with him, who cares for him and doesn't see him as nothing more but a monster.

The simple thought Negan could prefer his other wives over you brings tears to your eyes. The only reason you agreed to marry your fearless leader was the fact that he promised you he isn't interested in any of his other wives and the only reason for keeping them is to protect you from any potential threat. Negan fears one of his many enemies will figure out you're his only weakness if he decide to dissolve his personal little harem, or at least that's what he told you.

Having enough of brooding over your husband's behavior you decide to somehow figure out whether or not he betrays you with his wives (as strange as it may sound). Your first thought is to ask one of the wives but they were never really a fan of you. Especially Amber who seems to be a bit too much into YOUR man doesn't even try to hide how much she despises you.

The little whore constantly makes it to her mission to bully you. Until now it never bothered you, Negan preferred you anyway but now, you're not too sure about that anymore. For this reason, you don't want any of the other wives to know about your insecurities towards your relationship with Negan.

So you decide for the next best approach: Simon.

Perhaps Simon's Negan most loyal worker and best friend but he's still your big, very protective brother who would never keep any secrets from you, especially if it affects your happiness. You really hope Simon knows if Negan's interest towards his other wives is back or if he's really just too busy to notice he doesn't spend any time with you anymore.

Therefore, you spend the next half an hour searching your brother which sounds a lot easier than it is. How difficult can it be to find a giant like Simon? Why does the Sanctuary have to be so big? God, it's definitely not your day, or your month.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity you find your dear brother issuing orders to a few lower-ranked saviors. Because it looks like he prepares for a run you approach him with large steps to interrogate him before he leaves.

Negan x reader - twd - Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now