Imagine being in a relationship with Negan

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× Shortly after you arrive at the Sanctuary, Negan asks you to be one of his wives because he immediately feels a connection to you. In his opinion marrying you is the best way to protect you from any potential threats and to let everyone know you're his at the same time. To his dismay, you politely decline his offer because you don't want to share your husband and you're certainly not interested in being one of many wives who has to wait and hope her husband will choose her for the night.

× Negan who isn't used to get rejected, tries everything in his power to change your mind. When you return to you room after work you often find little presents on your bed. From pretty clothes, to wine and books you either mentioned before in one of the many conversations you have had with Negan or he thinks you would like. Basically erytime he finds something interesting on runs he makes sure to take it home to you.

× One day, Negan asks you yet again if you want to marry him, the thought of you being with someone else scares him. But you finally tell him he has to choose between you and his wives. You fell in love with his charme and his soft side (he only seems to show you) and because of this you can't live with him having multiple wives. It would hurt you too much to share him with others.

× At first, Negan is hesitant to make you his only wife, he's afraid being at his side will put you in danger and gets you hurt (or even killed) sooner or later. He is definitely conflicted. Technically, he wants to show everyone you're his but at the same time he has the need to protect you at all costs. If he leaves his other wives and marry you, his enemies will know you're his weakness. Negan truly cares for you and the thought to loose you scares him like nothing else. Only after a man of his attacked and tried to violate you, he realizes you're safer as his wife. None of his man would lay a hand on you when you're officially his.

× Once you're his wife, Negan opens up to you more and more. With you, he isn't this brutal, cocky leader everyone else knows, with you he lets his soft, affectionate side out. Soon you learn how much he loves to cuddle with you, it seems to comfort Negan to have you safe in his arms, to know you're alright. Meanwhile, he strokes your hair in a soothing manner and whispers sweet nothings in your ear (and a lot of naughty comments because well, it's Negan) and tell you to relax, he's there to protect you.

× Sometimes Negan asks you to read one of your many books to him while he either lays on your lap or on his bed with you by his side because it helps him to fall asleep. - Moreover, you're the only one who is allowed to sleep in his room. Never in a million years one of his former wives would have been allowed to stay in his room after sex. All Negan wanted from them was to take care of his sexual needs, so after he had his ways with them he wants them gone as fast as possible. They were hot as well but way too spoiled and irritating for his taste. With you it's something else entirely, he surprisingly really enjoys to spend a huge amount of time with you and to have you near him all the time, not only for his sexual pleasure.

× His weakness, or better one of his few weaknesses, is shower sex. He loves to shower with you, to feel you in such an intimate way. It doesn't matter whether it's a quick morning shower together or a relaxing shower in the evening with enough time to take care for each other in every way possible.

× Unlike his wives you don't want to relax the whole day while everyone else is working to maintain a stable community. You would feel bad to be the only one who does nothing all day, so you decide to help the best you can with your abilities. Negan doesn't like it one bit but you're determined to become a saviour, because you were alone for a long time you know how to use a knife and arrow. In a way you want to prove yourself to Negan, you want to show him you're capable to protect yourself and be a help at runs.

× Negan accepts your wish of being a saviour but nonetheless, he makes it his mission to protect you on every single run. Therefore, he makes sure he's always with you when you're outside the Sanctuary, surely he would never forgive himself when something happens to you.

× It doesn't take long for you and everyone of Negans men to notice you're the only person who is allowed to talk back to him. Since the beginning you always shared your mind with him, without worrying to much about the consequences. Negan seems to enjoy your honest but polite way of speaking and never punished you for sharing your mind. On the contrary, he even encourages you to tell him your opinion in certain topics including the daily life in the Sanctuary and often asks for your judgment before making a decision.

× Even if you're polite most of the time, you have a sassy attitude which shows from time to time. Negan loves to witness you talking back to one of his man's, your quick and sassy comments always put a huge smile on his face. Furthermore, he tends to get turned on immensely every time you're sassy with him.

× He always wants to do something special to either impress you or cheer you up. He plans picnics in or around the Sanctuary with the best food the kitchen has to offer and surprises you with little trips (only after his men checked the road and lots of safety measures) and a romantic evening with good wine and ice cream he stole from Simon. Negan wants to make you feel important and most of all, loved.

× In the end, you truly have him wrapped around your finger. He would do everything for you without a second thought, your hapiness is his first priority. His men often make fun of him behind his back but neither of you care. All what matters is his devotion and love for you.

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