Imagine being Negan's caretaker during his time in prison

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Warning: mention of the reader getting attacked by a random dude, attempted rape (not Negan)

× You're new in Alexandria. Michonne immediately takes a liking in you and welcomes you in their community. Since you were a child you're a very shy and private person but still, you try to be polite and friendly to everyone. The world is dreadful enough already, so you don't see the need to make it worse with bad manners.

× You aren't bad with a knife and can shoot with a gun if you need to but still prefer not to go on runs too often. You risked your life outside of Alexandria's save walls for years, no need to continue to live this way. Therefore, Michonne gets you a job as the prisoner's caretaker. She tells you everything what you need to know about Negan and his brutal acts in the past.

× Without him asking you to do so, you always make sure he has enough to eat and give him a lot more food than his previous caretaker. Furthermore, you hand him a warm blanket on your second day of your new job because you can't see him freezing in his cell. You never expect a thank you from him and act like it's the most natural thing to do, like he's not only some monster they taken prisoner.

× Of course, Michonne doesn't approve when she hears about you giving Negan a blanket but you tell her otherwise he will catch a cold and then either waste medicine or probably sooner or later die from a lung inflammation.

× At first he doesn't talk much to you and only makes mean comments despite your shy and hesitantly efforts to start a conversation but with time, he learns to appreciate your affectionate and friendly nature. Negan notices you're consistently kind to him, something he isn't used to anymore and eventually starts to respond to your attempts. In addition, he asks a few questions here and there and you two slowly but surely build a friendship.

× To prevent Negan from getting too bored when you're not there, you make it a habit to give him something to read. At first you take all of your favorite books, you managed to collect during your little time in Alexandria, to his cell and later you give him books you think he would like. After every book he reads, the two of you talk about the stories, characters and your own opinions. It's an opportunity to forget about your daily life for a short time, something Negan as well as you relish a lot.

× More often than not you spend a few hours a day in the prison to enjoy Negan's presence and undeniable charm. Sometimes you catch yourself spending the whole morning or evening (depending on your other chores for the day) with him.

× You tell him about your day, your life before Alexandria and before the outbreak and listen to him in return. Negan gets to know you were student before the undead started rising but already had some work experience in a nursing sector and therefore, know quite a bit about wound treatment.

× He talks with you about his first wife Lucille, her tragically death and about him cheating on her. Without a doubt, he made many mistakes, Negan knows that and wishes he could get a second chance. Nevertheless, he's glad his previous wife doesn't have to live in this terrible world.

× Aside from this, he talks with you about the Sanctuary, how he found and build the place and how his point system and hierarchy worked. He opens up to you about how much he misses the power, he achieved so much during his reign which guaranteed the safety of many people.

× For the former leader it's pleasant to finally have someone to talk to, before you took the job as his caretaker Negan were alone all the time for nearly a year. No one cared whether or not he had enough to eat and drink, he needed a shave or he was cold at night. Only you spend time to ask him about his wellbeing and make the effort to talk to him in general.

× You're the only one who doesn't treat him with hate and disgust. Most people in Alexandria want him dead and show him that at any given chance. Unlike anyone else you don't despise Negan and don't see him as a monster, for you he's only a simple human being who had to make some hard choices in his life.

× After a few months you begin to hold hands through the bars just so he can feel human touch again, he misses physical interaction of any kind, thanks to his year in isolation he's more than a bit touch starved. Because of this, even something small like holding your hand means a lot for him and totally makes his day.

× One day, you make your way to the prison when some citizen who moved to Alexandria three days ago attacks you. First, he beats you in the face a few times and kicks your rips with his foot once you fall to the ground and then tries to rape you despite your protests. Luckily, Daryl hears your screams and saves you from your attacker. He nearly beats the man whose name you don't even know to death before he reluctantly lets go of him. Afterwards, Daryl brings you to the infirmary to treat your wounds.

× Negan immediately notices something's wrong when you don't bring him dinner like you normally do. An hour after his usual dinner time another guy comes into his cell complex to give him some dry bread. Although, Negan begs the guy to tell him what happened to you, he's only met with silence.

× Around midnight you wake up from a nightmare about your traumatic experience a few hours ago. You're beyond scared and do the only think what comes to your mind: going to Negan. You sneak into Negan's cell and without a word, you lie next to him on his matrass and begin to cuddle him. Negan sees your tear-stained face and puffy eyes and decides to comfort and calm you in his arms.

× In this moment, he could easily free himself from his imprisonment, the key is in the pocket of your shorts and he's more than capable to overpower you but Negan decides to stay in order to let you cry and to take care of you.

× Because of his decision, he whispers smoothing words in your ear although he prefers to kill whoever has made you cry. After you tell him what happened to you, he has a very hard time to control his anger. How could that happen to you? He feels nothing but hate towards every single Alexandrian for letting this happen to you, intentional or not.

× The next day, Negan demands a guard to let him talk to Michonne behind your back and despite his worries she actually comes to his cell. He asks her to kill the man who did this to you, he tries to tell her how this rapist is even worse than himself and someone as innocent as you shouldn't live in this constant fear of something like that happening again. The man could do it again, thats why Negan even begs Michonne to kill him when she hesitates. In the end, she knows Negan is right and decide to do as he wishes.

× Since your night together in his cell you tend to go to him from time to time just to be in his embrace for a little while. You two comfort each other, you always feel save with him despite his past. You're glad you came to Alexandria all these months ago and you're thankful Michonne gave you the job as Negan's caretaker because never before in your life you have felt this comfortable with a person.

× You don't care what others say about Negan, you heard what he has done and it's horrible but he killed Abraham and Glenn because Rick killed 30 of his men and he stole from Alexandria because he wanted his own people to survive. Without needing to say it, you don't agree with any of his moves but you accept him for who he is now, who he is with you.

× Negan hopes to come out of his prison one day to build a real relationship with you in which he can be there for you all the time.

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