Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Farah Zulkipli

The original character design for Malinda was based on a close friend of mine. She's going to figure it out and kill me. 


"Essy!" little Anais shrieked, running straight up to who she constantly proclaimed to be her 'favourite big sister' and hugged her. She was only eight. When Esmeralda first came to live with her uncle and aunt, she was only a toddler of two who was just learning to run without falling down constantly. To her, Esmeralda wasn't a cousin at all. 

"Hello, Annie," Esmeralda smiled, getting to her knees to hug the little girl. She had the brightest blue eyes and hair the colour of spun gold, just like all her siblings and her parents. 

"There you are, Essy- how are things? Have you taken the Mastership Exam yet?" Aunt Cherise asked, peering out of the window. Esmeralda smiled, letting Jane go to pick up her bag again, "No, aunt. I'm only taking it next year. Master Emeric says I need more time." 

"I see- well, hurry up and come in before you two catch your death's cold out there. I have your favourite chicken noodle on the boil now. Go dish it out and help Annie with hers. I need to finish this dress for Mistress Baker." 

"Yes, aunt," Essy replied and went in. She dumped her bag in the room she shared with the girls, Anais and Malinda, before taking Anais down to the kitchen. She whipped the pot off the stove as it was coming to a boil. The chicken broth smelt delicious. Anais trotted over with two bowls. A big one for Esmeralda and a small one that belonged to Anais. She never let anyone else use it. 

"There you go, wait till it cools." 

Anais sat down and began to blow the broth cold. 

Esmeralda served her own bowl and sat down to eat. No one else was home just yet. Uncle Charles was probably working at the smithy he owned with his sons Vincent and Victor. Danielle, the eldest, was married with four children and lived with her husband, Dorian not far off. Malinda was probably running errands for her mother again. She was to be wed at the end of the year. 

The door slammed, "Ma! I'm back- ESSY!" Malinda shrieked making Esmeralda jump and splatter hot broth on the front of the University novice uniform she wore all the time because they were more comfortable than her other clothes. 

"Ow, hot, hot, hot-" Esmeralda said before being knocked off her chair by a hug. Malinda was that type. She was excitable and bubbly. It was a stark contrast of her cousin. Esmeralda quite liked her frivolousness. It was hard to worry over her studies around Malinda. "So, Essy- tell me, have you finally found a lover?" 

"Malinda- Annie is right here, now let me up. I'd like to finish my noodles." 

Malinda grabbed her arm and helped her to her feet. Esmeralda sat down again to finish eating. "So- come on, are you telling me there are no boys in the university that you're- you know," she said. Esmeralda raised an eyebrow at her and stopped Anais from trying to gulp down the hot soup. 

Luckily, Aunt Cherise called from the floor above, "Malinda! Send this dress to Mistress Baker!" 

"Yes, ma…" 

Esmeralda got to her feet, "I'll come too. Annie- wait till it cools before drinking it. You'll burn your tongue again." 

Anais nodded, her cheeks full of shredded chicken, vegetables and noodles. 

Malinda got the package from her mother and the two set off to Mistress Baker's lodgings near the market place. Out of the house and away from the younger sister, Malinda brought up the topic again, "So, seriously, what about Jordan? He's good looking and nice." 

Esmeralda; BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now