Chapter 3: We are one

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When Rosalie was 6 years old, she was at home with Renesmee who turned 3 years old, were in Titans tower with their parents. Raven and Robin had another baby and they named her Violet Grayson, she also has the same powers as her mother and sisters. But the whole family loves her very much, Rosalie looked outside to see Jump City in the distance from the Titans Tower. "I wish I can see you and mommy fight crime." Rosalie said.

"You'll see us fighting crime one day sweetheart." Raven said to her daughter, "But right now. Just enjoy being a kid."

"Alright mommy." Rosalie said as the crime alert went off, Rosalie along with Renesmee and Violet were babysat by Starfire while the Titans went off to fight crime, Rosalie realized that she can fly to see crime for herself. So she flew out of Titans Tower without anyone looking and she flew across Jump City to find some crime to fight or at least watch. Rosalie looked down to see the crime-fighting so she watched as she can see a giant ape attacking some people, so she flew down to save some civilians.

Rosalie was then grabbed by the arm by a man and tried to take her away when a dark mutated person showed up and disappear himself and Rosalie away from the man's grasped. Rosalie was in a safe zone, she wondered who was that person who saved her, she was going to see who that person was when Robin and Raven can see their daughter was out in the open of the crime zone.

"Rosalie!" a voice was called and it was Robin, he and Raven saw their daughter had snuck out of Titans Tower.

"Dad? Mom?" Rosalie was confused to see that her parents found them. Raven held Rosalie close to her.

"Rosalie! Thank god you're ok." Raven said.

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked Rosalie.

"I wanted to see what crime is like and even help and..." Rosalie started to speak when a villain attacked Robin, Raven blocked the villain's attack. Robin got up to see that Madame Rouge who was the one who interrupted a family conversation.

"Madame Rouge." Robin growled.

"Robin?" Madame Rouge replied, then she noticed Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy and Terra, "Raven."

"Madame Rouge." Raven growled.

"Terra?" Madame Rouge taunted Terra.

"Madame Rouge, I have heard about you." Terra replied.

"Cyborg, Beast Boy." Cyborg added, "Great, now that we know each other. GET OUT OF OUR JUMP CITY!"

"Your Jump City?" Madame Rouge asked, she then chuckled and pushed Cyborg down.

"Dude!" Beast Boy said.

"What are you doing here Madame Rouge?" Robin asked, "I thought we were done with The Brotherhood of Evil."

"Maybe you were, but I have something else in mind." Madame Rouge started talking, "The Brotherhood of Evil didn't die, we took a break for a while. So then I have decided that The Brotherhood of Evil would team up with the H.I.V.E academy, and we can destroy you all."

"Well, that ain't gonna happen," Raven replied, "You can't stop us."

"Say who thinks that we can't stop us." Madame Rouge scoffed as Robin got in front of Rosalie.

"Dad what's going..." Rosalie was cut off by Raven getting beside Robin, in front of her.

"Rosalie stay behind us." Robin told his daughter.

"So we see that the leader of the Teen Titans, Robin has a daughter and a wife." Madame Rouge said as she looked at Robin with anger.

"We're finished here Madame Rouge, and if you ever come near me or my family along with my friends ever again." Robin snarled at Madame Rouge, "I promise I won't be so nice about it." he said as the Titans along with Madame Rouge walked away, Robin with Raven took Rosalie to a park with stern and angry looks on their faces.

"Rosalie Arella Grayson, what are you doing out there?" Raven asked her daughter.

"You know you can't go to a crime scene," Robin added, "You could have been killed."

"Mommy and Daddy," Rosalie began, "I didn't mean to disobey you..."

"We're telling you this because we all love you," Robin replied to his daughter, "We don't want to lose you."

"I know." Rosalie sighed.

"If something ever happened to you Rose, Robin and I wouldn't know what to do." Raven said, "One day we won't be here, and your father and I need you to carry on the Titans legend. You are going to be..."

"The leader of the Titans someday, I know." Rosalie finished her mother's sentence.

"That's right sweetie, and your mother and I want you to be careful." Robin replied, "As the future leader of the Titans."

"What if I'm not ready to be a leader?" Rosalie asked as she began to lose control of her powers until Raven calmed her daughter down.

"You don't want to lose control of your powers, by having them get the best of you." Raven said, "You're part of mine and Robin's hearts."

Robin: As you go through life you'll see, there's so much that we all don't understand.

Raven: And the only thing that we all know, is that things don't always go the way we planned.

Robin: But you see every day, that we will never turn away. But when you see your dreams are your future.

Raven: We will all stand by your side, full of life and love. We are all more than we are. We are one.

Rosalie: If there's so much that I must be, can I still just be me? The way I am? Can I just follow my heart or am I just one part of some plan?

Raven: Even those who are gone, look at us as our hearts will go on. Your adventure is only the beginning.

Robin: Tear of pain, tears of joy. With us around nothing can destroy, it's our pride deep inside we are one.

Raven: We are one, you and us. We're the life within the sky.

Robin: One family under the sun.

Raven: All our wisdom to be within the courage that we make, you and I, we will see. We are one.

Rosalie was pulled into the arms of her mother, her father joined the hug as well, "As long as we are together, we can make things happen." Raven said to Rosalie when the family was at Titans Tower.

"You'll understand someday Rose, we know you will." Robin replied as Rosalie watched the sunset when he parents walked inside Titans Tower from the doors that are on the roof, Rosalie wondered something.

"Who was that man that saved me?" Rosalie asked herself, "I hope I can meet him again someday, even he was different I would like to know."

A month later Rosalie was playing with Starflight and Vanessa in the park area of Jump City, "So Rosalie, who was that person you saw?" Vanessa asked, "Was it a random person?"

"I think so, but I am not sure on who it was." Rosalie replied, "I thought it was my mother at first, but it wasn't a woman it was a man."

"So it must be someone you like," Starflight said happily, "Well you haven't talked to him, but it is like he came out of nowhere and saved you."

"Yeah, just like how Tarzan would save Jane." Rosalie replied, she then looked to see teenage girls walking down the path.

"I wish we were in our teens, then we could all go out and do what we like." Vanessa said as some teenage boy walked up towards the girls, "Who's that?"

"I'll handle this." Rosalie said as the teenage boy looked down at Rosalie.

"Hey girls, I've got toys in my car if you come." the teenage boy said as a dark mutated person showed up and pushed the teenage boy away from Rosalie and her friends, the person was only there for a moment before disappearing.

"Who was that?" Vanessa asked Rosalie.

"That person that saved us again?" Rosalie asked, "I have no clue on who he is, but he saved us."

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