It'll Be Worth Your While

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Kyle woke up in the middle of the night to a fuller-figured person standing at the side of his bed, who was gently shaking Kyle with his hand on his chest. Kyle was frozen in fear, unable to scream. Though he realized, quickly, who this pudgy figure was. It was none other than Eric 'Fatass' Cartman, the kid who berated Kyle every day for being a Jew. Naturally, at the sight of him, Kyle immediately became defensive. "Stop trying to wake me up, fatass!" Kyle fumed in a hushed voice. Kyle then just realized that Cartman was in his house, uninvited. How did he even get here in the first place? "Wait, what are you doing in my house?" Kyle asked in a mixture of confusion and anger. "C'mon Kahl, I just heard of this awesome new place! They say it's haunted with the ghost of a lady who was lured in and murdered in this area!" Cartman said excitedly in his hushed voice. Kyle was sickened by how casually he mentioned the murder of a lady. Besides, why the hell would Cartman think that he would be excited about a potentially haunted area, especially at this time of night? And why was he in Kyle's house to begin with? "Dude, you didn't answer my question. What the hell are you doing in my house?" Kyle asked again. "Oh, your room was kinda the easiest to get into, so I chose you out of all the assholes I could have hung out with. I tried going to Butters, but his parents' security system is so goddamn advanced nowadays, you'd think that robbers would raid his house any second." Cartman shrugged. "Well dude, I'm not going out in the middle of the night to some weird and cold place, and I just want to sleep, so leave me alone!" Kyle almost shouted. "I thought you'd say that." Cartman grinned. "I've got your little brother, who's willing to go out and see some scary shit if you aren't." Kyle couldn't believe that motherfucker. "Ike, is this true?" Kyle asked the tiny floppy-headed figure next to the fat one. "Yeah." was all Ike could reply with. "I can just tell my parents." Kyle replied. "And would they believe you?" Cartman countered. "They would probably assume you were making stuff up. You've lost your little brother before." "Dammit... fine." Kyle submitted to Cartman. "I'll go out to wherever you're taking me."
Ike looked a little disappointed, and to comfort him, Kyle said, "It's alright, Ike. I'll take you out on another adventure sometime." Ike brightened a little at his words, and went back to his room. "You're a good brother." Cartman smirked. "Fuck off." Kyle said back.
"Trust me, Kahl, it'll be worth your while."

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