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Adri's pov

2 days later.

I'm sitting on the chair beside her bed as I watch her laying their. It kills me seeing her. I never thought the day would come for me seeing her like this. I just imagined seeing her in the hospital bed giving birth to Catarina.

Oh how she wanted to have her daughter in her hands already. She was really down to name her maya also.. this girl doesn't deserve this.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door. This guy around her age walked in. He dropped down into the floor crying.

"This is all my fault. I should've listened to you." He mourned out. I stand up walking to close the door but stay inside the room.

"I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I threw you too the g-ground .. you lost our baby because of me." He stood up and walked over to her.

"You should leave." I clutched my first.

"W-who are you?" He wiped his eyes as he looked at me.

"Her first love. Her ex. Her girl. You shouldn't be here at all. Your lucky we're in the hospital room cause if we were out you wouldn't even be breathing this second." I scoff.

"Her ex?" He scoffed. "She doesn't like girls."

"You know what punk? Don't start with me. You don't know how I am. You don't know from where I come from. So if I were you I wouldn't start it." I grab him by his shirt pushing him against the wall.

"I'm assuming your the Tyler guy. Her fiancé. I don't know how your her fiancé. You get drunk and physically beat her up. You hit her. That's no fiancé. That's just a coward." I felt myself getting heated up.

"Whenever she would just tell you , I'm going out with a friend, she was with me. With me she was always happy. Whose the one who went with her to her appointment? Me. Your daughter was going to be named Catarina. Something you don't know." I push him again which wasn't really nothing since he was against the wall.

"I was there for her. You weren't. She has been here for 2 days and one night and you barely come today? Are you shitting me?" I lowly growl.

"They never called me that she was in an accident.."

"Yes because she has me as her fucking emergency contact. Huh so much love she had for you. You better be praying for god that I never see you in the streets because I swear to g-"

"B-Babe..?" A softly gentle voice answered. I quickly turned around to see Adri blinking softly.

"Adriana?" We both said an illusion. I move away from Tyler and quickly go to her holding her hand.

"Adri? Hermosa"

"Babe, Im so sorry" Tyler stated as he went towards the other side of bed holding her hand.

Once she got her actions clear she looked around and see me as I gave her a soft reassuring smile. She then looked at Tyler which she got scared as her heart beat went higher as she started to breath fast.

"Get out !" I yelled at him.


"Get the hell out! Your scaring her! She doesn't want to see you!" Within that a nurse comes running in checking up on her as she tells us to both wait outside for a second. I stay outside as I stand their impatiently. Tyler in the other hand was sobbing.

"I want to see her"

"You can't. Now leave before I make you." I raised my voice at him. He then left away crying. He feels guilty and he should.

More than 5 minutes passed and the nurse walked out.

"Ma'am , we checked everything and she's stable but she still can't leave. She needs to rest, she just lost her baby and had a horrible accident. If you have any more questions ask the doctor or me" She softly smiled as she left.

I walked inside the room closing the door behind.

"Hi.." Her soft groggy voice said. Oh you can hear the pain in her voice.

"Hola Hermosa" I walk over pulling the stool with me as I kiss her forehead gently and sit down beside her.

"How long have I been out?" She tried fighting in tears as she placed her hand on her stomach but didn't feel anything.

"For two days Hermosa," I try not to cry as I see her.

She couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down. Tears falling as she covered her face and sobbed. I stood and hugged her. Trying to comfort her.

"I l-lost Catarina? Didn't I" She weakly said through her sobs.

"Yes amor.. you did.." I kept hugging her as she cried.

"It's all my fault. I was already hurt. My body as aching. I shouldn't have driven. I was heading to the doctors and I don't remember anymore." She cried out.

"Mami, look it's not your fault , you didn't loose her on purpose. You lost her by accident. An accident. Don't blame this on yourself my love" I kiss her forehead as she starts to calm herself down.

Adri's pov

How. How did I loose her ? I wanted her. I wanted my daughter. My first child. She isn't here because of the stupid car accident caused by me. I hate myself for this.

"Tyler ... He h-"

"Shhh Hermosa , he already said what he did when you were out. Don't talk about it right now. I don't want you to worry about the scumbag." She rubbed my hand as she placed a soft kiss on it.

I told her to lay in the bed next to me. Yes I need the bed for myself but I need her with me right now.

"Okay I agree but I don't want to be their back home with him." I sigh. "That isn't home anymore. I just don't want to be there anymore. I don't want to live their with him. I'll need Esme to get my stuff but I guess I have to go to my ma's house. I don't have my house anymore I sold it so me and Tyler could be the new one. Half and half."

As much as I wanted to get out of here and go punch Tyler and yell at him I can't. I lost her because of him. I don't want this stupid ring on me anymore. I don't want him anymore.

"No wait, come live with me.. please. I have the guest rooms and I just want you to be with me. I just want to take care of you and be there for you." She said very low and soft.

"You sure? I won't be too much? I mean you won't get annoyed by me now that I'm hurt?"

"Never Hermosa"



I've been in the mood to write a lot! Also I might upload slow because I just released another story !
GO READ IT!!!! It's called Why you ?


Love you guys !!

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