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you had a realtion ship with all 5 guys but your realation ship was strong with Daniel and Jonah but mostly Daniel

u started making food and Jonah was talking to u about how this fan was all up his  ass  but he didn't really pay attention because he only loved

u smiled and kissed him and said what will u want to eat Jonah smiled and said how about scrambled eggs and some pancakes

u smiled and u said how about u corbyn

corbyn then said I'll have the same as everyone

u then finished and everyone was served

Daniel quickly ate and left without giving u a goodbye kiss u finished the food that u had on your mouth and looked at jack who was looking at u

u look at jack and say what's up with him

jack shrugged and mumbeld
" maybe a side chick ? "

and after he finished the sentence Zach hit him with the elbow

u look at Zach and forrow your eyebrows and said wtf what that for hereon

he smirked and said idk

u all finished and sat on the couch to watch Netflix

u where next to Jonah and on corbyn

then Daniel came and sat next to u and kissed u moving corbyn out of the way u all sat and then u turn your he'd to face Daniel and see something on his neck and spot a hickey u rolled your eyes

u get up and kiss jack and went to your room and started singing
singing would always calm u down it was like u where addicted to making covers on any song

as soon as u finished u opend the door and jack was there u smiled and he kissed u

he then said BBY I need to tell j something u looked at him and u said yes ik I saw the hickey on Daniel neck I think he has another chick

jack smiled and said c'mon let's finish the movie

u sat with jack and Daniel got up and said c'mon baby h then said go with your other one

Daniel giggled nervously and said wtf are u talking about

he then said ummmm yeah that hickey did not come from a big bite

we are done seavey

he got up and said fine and left

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