Part 20

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It is now week 7 and today is the day of the final recoupling before the final and the boys have to pick. Over the last few days, you and Tom have grown stronger, Charlie and Joanne drifted apart and he started to talk to Zendaya and Joanne started to talk to Harrison.
The night, the islanders gathered around the fire pit one last time. The boys sat as the girls stood hand in hand awaiting their fate. Such as Haz is the only single boy, he chose first and so he picked Joanne then Tom was next. After being coupled up with Zendaya since the start, he has never felt so nervous about a recoupling before. Tom stood and said
"I would like to couple up with this girl because of all the years I've known her, I never thought that I would love to her as much as I do now" he paused as you stood with tears in your eyes
"I've wiped her tears, looked after her, made her laugh when she was down, fed her 20 chicken nuggets and not once have I fell out of her unless she beat me at Mario Kart" he smiled as everyone chuckled and the boys looked at him also with tears in their eyes
"I love her and I always will. So the girl I would like to couple up with is" Tom paused once again as you wiped your eyes
"Y/n" everyone cheered and cried as you and Tom hugged and kissed. Next was Charlie and he picked Z and finally Harry chose Harriet.
After the recoupling, Tom cracked open the prosecco and everyone clinked their glasses in celebration for they was in the final then you pulled Tom aside to the swing bench
"About what you said" Tom looked at the floor as you paused
"I'll always love you too". Tom looked up and kissed you softly.

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