From Now On

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Hongjoong POV

Me and yeosang have been best friends for 7 years now. Ever since I met my little angel that day I can't stop thinking about him. He's beautiful, smart, shy, cute, innocent, funny, and just perfect. Im glad he is able to be in my life. I hope he stays in my life forever... and ever.

Author POV

Slowly closing his eyes Hongjoong had fallen asleep dreaming about his angel. He dreamt of a future where they were happy together. Hongjoong had fallen in love with the boy without even realizing it. Sooner or later he will realize it when its much too late. While Hongjoong is having sweet sweet dreams Yeosang wasnt getting any sleep. His mothers drinking habits had worsened and the abuse over time has gotten worse. He couldn't do anything about it. He didn't want to tell Hongjoong because he was scared he might get hurt as well, or even worse, he would think his family was crazy and leave him all alone. And thus Yeosang has suffered all this pain and sadness alone...

Yeosang POV

I cried and cried. Mother had abused me again except it was worse than any other time. She dragged me by my hair and started hitting me for no reason. I couldnt do anything because if I did things would only get worse. I was on the floor curled into a ball waiting till the punches and slaps would stop.

Finally they did... I looked up and saw my mother walk toward the empty beer bottles. Their was ten of them and she threw each and every... single... one... toward me. By the time she finished she drunkenly walked toward the couch and knocked out.

I stood up only to fall back down form all the pain and bruises I felt throughout my body. I picked myself up and slowly walked toward the bathroom.

I picked the glass out of my clothes and skin and started to wash the cuts and wounds. I looked at the sink and saw the water turn red. Red. Red was something I've seen to much recently. Whether it was from the beer bottles my mother bought, or the wounds and scars on my body, to the bruises and blood that I had to see over and over again everyday. It was too much for someone at my age to see.

Although my body was covered in bruises and scars I managed to hide them so well. Even I forget sometimes what lies underneath all the layers of my clothes.

After tending to my wounds I began to pick up the broken pieces of glass laying all over the ground. I emptied out the trash and cleaned up a bit to make it seem like no abuse had ever happened in that area. I went toward my mother and got a pillow and blanket to cover her.

Although she deserved none of my love she was all I had. All i had close to family. After rucking her in I went to my room and started to cry.

I cried and cried and cried. I began to wonder why I was the one to suffer. Why i had to go through so much pain. To be hated and disgraced in my own home. To feel alone and feel like the whole world had turned their back on you. To feel like no one would ever understand. To feel like you deserved all of this and that you were a mistake.

Nobody cared about me...

Even my own parents didnt want me...

Author POV

As Yeosang cried and cried on his bed. A certain someone came into his thoughts. Hongjoong. The only person who had actually shown him what love was. What it felt like to be cared for. What it felt like to mean something. To feel important and not useless.

After wiping away his tears he curled into a ball and closed his eyes thinking about Hongjoong. With that he too had fallen asleep dreaming of the boy. Yeosang had now fallen in love but, with all the pain and suffering he lived through, it would take a while for him to realize his feelings. Luckily Hongjoong was the right person to help him experience love again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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