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You'd always been fond of the city. The crowded and bustling streets were something that took awhile to get used to but they held their own unique charm and they felt like home to you. The warmth that radiated from them as people passed through every day, all with their own story and their own lives, was irreplaceable. It was hard to stay there, in the city, with your small cafe job. Rent was expensive but you'd found yourself an apartment, and it was enough for you. For you to stay in the place you'd adored so much ever since you were a young child was pretty much a dream come true. You were in fact content but it was still lonely at times, with only a few close friends and your family living far away in the countryside you'd learnt how to be independent and had to stay by yourself more often than not. You were yet to find your soulmate, someone you could love endlessly, so instead you turned your love towards the city once again and showered it in all the affection you could muster.

It was another Sunday. You made your way through the busy city streets to the cafe downtown to open up for the day. You basked in the suns beams one final time before unlocking the door and preparing for the rest of the day. Since it was Sunday you'd be the only one on shift today and got to close up the shop early. As the late morning came around, customers began to file in, ordering their usuals and heading off to their own jobs. It was peaceful. Time flew by quickly as you admired the view from the cafe window ~ a simple yet beautiful outlook onto the streets of Seoul.

The end of the day quickly arrived and you switched off the ovens, flipping the open sign to closed on the door. Giving the cafe a final clean down before feeling satisfied, you turned off the lights and locked up. It was still light outside and it would be another hour or so until the sun began to set so you took yourself to the local park. This was one of your favourite places in the entire city. It was always insane to you how despite the growing industry and large scale buildings that surrounded you, an area of grass and trees was still somehow squeezed into the contemporary area and it definitely made all the difference. You strolled down the paths before finding an empty bench, you closed your eyes as you sat, listening to the birds tweet and the leaves blowing in the wind. There were few people out at this time, most people were either still at work or had gone straight home to finish spending the day with their families so it was a good time to be alone with your thoughts. You were grateful for your easygoing life, you didn't have much to stress about. You were lucky. You had a nice home and a job. You were quite pretty, not stunning, not like the models you see plastered on billboards, you were average but that was beauty in itself. You had a kind heart too and those who interacted with you certainly noticed it.

Just as you were about to leave you heard the bushes just a little up ahead rustling. You figured it must be a squirrel or a rabbit and decided to see if you could catch a glimpse at them before they ran away. The bushes continued to rustle as you approached but then there was a whimper that stopped you in your tracks. Then there was another one. You were sure it wasn't an animal making the noise and fear overtook you. You quickly pulled back the bushes, expecting to see an injured child who had perhaps got lost and separated from their family. Instead you saw a ball curled up in the mess of leaves and twigs. The ball was shaking and it's whimpers grew louder as you got closer. Then you noticed two soft looking brown ears poking out from what you assumed was it's disheveled hair. You stepped forwards so you were in an arms reach of the ball when you realised that it was in fact a person curled up. Your confusion only lasted for a brief moment before you realised that it must be a hybrid in front of you but that only caused more questions to arise within you. Hybrids were only available to the very rich and the rest were kept in the labs were they were manufactured and tested on or sold into sex rings, it was an absolutely disgusting business but you had never found yourself involved with it. You hadn't even seen a hybrid before as you weren't living on the richer side of the city, your friends had mentioned wanting to try save up to buy one and get them out of their awful situation but that was the most you'd heard about them. So to have a hybrid crying in front of you right now, in your local park with seemingly no clothes on was definitely a shock.

You hesitantly placed your hand on top of the hybrids head hoping to offer some comfort but instead caused the poor thing to flinch and let out another strangled whimper before they finally looked up to see who was touching them. Honey golden eyes glazed over with tears found your own, you scanned the males features in front of you - looking at his plump rosy lips, small nose and rounded cheeks. He was adorable to say the least but he was also terrified and you could see it in his eyes. You quickly retreated your hand realising you'd only caused the man to shake even more and finally spoke up.
'' I'm Y/N, I promise I won't hurt you, are you alright? ''
You didn't receive a reply instead the man buried his face back into his legs and began to cry harder than before. You weren't exactly sure what to do so you quickly slipped off your jacket and wrapped it around his small frame before standing up to go find the man some food.
'' I'll be back in a second, just please don't go anywhere.''

You dashed off to the nearest corner store, which luckily for you was only about a 10 minute walk away - 5 minutes if you ran. You quickly grabbed a variety of food ( unsure of what the hybrid could actually eat or what they liked ) and a blanket off the shelves, which they were conveniently selling, paid and headed straight back to the park. By the time you arrived you were sweating but also relieved when you saw the cute hybrid snuggled in your jacket, his nose pressed up against the sleeve. You quietly sat down in front of him and pulled out the food and blanket from the carrier bag. He looked hesitant to take anything at first but you reassured him it was okay and he quickly dug in. You were quite upset watching the scene, the poor guy seems to have not eaten a meal in a long time with how fast he was going through the food. His whimpers had died down into small sniffles and he sheepishly grinned at you after realising he'd devoured ALL of the food you had bought him. You couldn't help but smile at the sight and reassured him it was alright that he'd eaten it all, that was why you'd bought it in the first place. Now that he didn't seem so frightened, you figured it would be a good time to ask some questions, starting with the basics.
'' What's your name?''
'' J-Jimin. '' the cute hybrid stuttered, slightly surprised someone had actually asked for his name rather than just calling him a worthless animal.
'' Okay Jimin, what type of hybrid are you? '' you followed up.
'' A w-wolf. '' he stuttered again.
'' How did you get here? '' you slowly asked in a gentle voice, not wanting him to feel pressured into answering,

Jimin's eyes began to gloss over once again and you'd figured you'd hit a soft spot so you said the only thing you could think of in the moment, not sure if you were going to regret it later.

'' Do you want to come home with me? ''

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