A new home

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Getting Jimin to your apartment was a hassle to say the least. Walking around in a not so wealthy area with a crying and dirty hybrid only covered by a blanket with no shoes on was definitely an interesting sight. You managed to ignore the questioning stares and speed along to your home before anyone had gotten too suspicious of what you were doing. You unlocked your apartment door and slowly led Jimin through the doors, taking his hand ( which despite being small still engulfed your own ) you pulled him through your living room/kitchen area and straight to the bathroom. You left him alone to clean himself up and searched your wardrobe for something he could wear. You decided that one of your oversized jumpers and a pair of sweatpants would suffice for the time being ( and yes they would fit since he was so skinny ) and you'd have to go out to buy him some clothes the following day.

You knocked on the bathroom door to let him know that you'd left him clothes outside and then you went to your kitchen to prepare something for the both of you to eat for dinner, you knew you'd only just bought him some food but he was so hungry and you couldn't let him go to bed without another meal. Scouring your fridge and cabinets and realising you hadn't gone shopping yet you decided some ramen would be enough to tide you both over until you could buy some food in the morning. You were almost finished cooking when you heard a creak by the door and turned around to see Jimin peering over your shoulder at the food. His hair was damp and flat against his forehead and your jumper was pretty much swallowing him alive but he looked much better than when you first found him.

You opened your mouth to speak to him but was thrown off guard as he suddenly wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the side of your neck. You were stunned but eventually brought your own arms around his frame and held him there until he finally pulled away. Your heart nearly stopped as he stared into your eyes and whispered,
'' Thank you, for letting me into your home, thank you for not hurting me, I promise to protect you whenever you need me, ''
You weren't exactly sure how to respond, this boy seemed to become attached easily as you hardly knew him and had only done what you hoped anyone would have if they had found him in the same situation. You thought hard about what to say until you smelt something burning.



After eating your slightly burnt dinner and a very exhausting day you decided it was a good time to get some rest. You began setting up some pillows and blankets in the living room for you to sleep with, figuring it was better for the frail hybrid to have chance to sleep in a proper bed. You took Jimin into your bedroom and his ears perked up in confusion as he asked,
''Why are we in here? Aren't I sleeping on the sofa?''
You explained how it was better for him to get some actual rest but he insisted that he shouldn't take advantage of your kindness and make you sleep outside of your own room. The two of you bickered back and forth about the sleeping arrangements until he finally came up with a suggestion.

''Then let me sleep in here with you...''

You were ready to refuse deeming how inappropriate that could be but Jimin had already began to drag you into bed before you had the chance. Switching of the lights and shuffling over to the other side, Jimin got under the covers with you. He distanced himself from you as much as he could and allowed himself to relax into the soft mattress and sheets. Everything smelled like you and for some reason it brought comfort to the lost hybrid. For the first time in a long time he felt safe.

Jimin fell asleep first, he was no longer in such a vulnerable position and he couldn't help but doze off pretty much as soon as his head hit the pillows. You on the other hand stayed awake for awhile, being in bed with another person was awkward to say the least. You didn't even know each other well and yet here you were with an extremely attractive yet somehow strange man less than a metre away from you.
You couldn't help but wonder how this hybrid is going to change your life or even how long he'll be staying with you but you could cross that bridge when you came to it. It was getting very late by now and you could feel yourself gradually becoming more tired. The warmth radiating from the wolf besides you and his gentle breathing eventually lulled you into a deep and comfortable sleep...

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