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Sunlight streamed through the blinds and gently illuminated your bedroom. You groaned and refused to open your eyes, snuggling back down into the warm that encased you. You felt hotter than you usually did in the mornings but you ignored your thoughts and relaxed into the comforting sheets. You released a sigh but then felt something soft brush across your leg. Your eyes snapped open as you looked to your left only to find the crying hybrid from yesterday snuggled up next to you, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as his tail leisurely moved under the sheets, hitting your legs in the process. Panic taking over you, you tried to wiggle out of the hybrids grasp but only received a dissatisfied grunt in return as his hold tightened even more. Figuring you had no other choices, you began gently nudging Jimin in the side, hoping it would wake him up or at the very least get him to roll over but boy this wolf slept like a rock.

You continued your elbow attacks before trying a different approach, brushing you hands through his hair and skimming your fingertips over his fluffy ears. A deep grumble resonated through the wolf's chest as he pushed his head upwards into your hand. You ran your hands over his ears with more pressure this time, his tail beginning to perk up and attempting to sway as a response. A contented sigh left his lips as you began scratching the base of his ears and his eyes finally fluttered open, squinting as they tried to focus in the bright light. As his eyes finally focused, they widened in shock before he scrambled backwards and off the side of your bed, almost knocking your paintings off the wall whilst he was at it. Jimin's tail dropped between his legs as he looked down at the floor, hoping you didn't notice the deep blush adorning his puffy cheeks. You took this moment to admire his messy hair and how extra fluffy his fur looked in the mornings before you finally cleared your throat and and told him you were going to find him some clothes.

Once the timid hybrid was finally dressed, you went through the basics of what he could use and do whilst you went out to buy him some proper clothes and went for your weekly shop. You were hoping that by the time you got back it would still be early enough so you could both have breakfast before work. The hybrid seemed hesitant to let you leave the apartment, scared that you wouldn't come back again but after much reassurance he finally let you go. You didn't know him well enough yet but you prayed that your home would still be intact when you came back. You figured you better hurry so you darted down the stairs of your apartment complex and made your way into the bustling city centre. It was only 7:30am but you already knew you'd have to open up the shop later today and most likely would have to bring the cute hybrid with you into work. You hoped it wouldn't scare him too much but you didn't give it a second thought as you ran into the nearest clothes store that was open this early before deciding on some t shirts and hoodies that would be good enough for him to wear. You didn't know his sizes so obviously you couldn't buy him jeans or anything of the sort, so you just picked up some sweatpants and shorts figuring they would be enough for him to wear until you could take him out shopping yourself.
Paying for the clothes, you walked out of the store and into your local supermarket. You grabbed what you needed before making your way home, bagfuls of clothes and food in your arms.

It was already 8:30. If you hurried you would have enough time to feed Jimin and open shop only an hour or so later then usual so you ran the rest of the way to your apartment building...

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