Chapter 11 By the light of the moon

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"Chrissy is in the house sobbing her little heart out" Damon explained "she misses you brother, I need to find a way for you to escape, I trapped Chrissy in the house"

"Damon" said Stefan "help Elena first then me"

Damon hands Stefan a bottle of blood as he drank some and then gave some to Katherine who is standing across from them

"You two are surprisingly calm, considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan" said Katherine

"I been dead before" answered Damon "I got over it"

Damon looks at Stefan

"Once we get to the moonstone we find a way to get you out" explained Damon

"Don't worry about me, make sure Elena and Chris is safe" replied Stefan

Damon leaves and head to Elena's house to see Christina in the living

"You left the house" said Damon

"Yeah I disobeyed you Damon" yelled Christina "I can't be stuck in the house while my twin is stuck in the tomb with Katherine"

"Did you tell Stefan about Elijah being alive and how he has a little sister that got on great with Christina?" asked Elena

"No I never told him about that" replied Damon

"Why not?" questioned Elena

"Well A he can't do anything about it and b what I just said" answered Damon

Jeremy enters the room and sat down with them

"Where is Bonnie?" asked Damon

"I thought she was meeting you" answered Jeremy

"No she is on moonstone duty and I'm on Chrissy patrol making sure she doesn't go to the tomb" explained Damon

Christina gave Damon the evil eyes

"You love me really Chrissy" said Damon

"Who's watching Tyler?" asked Jeremy

"Caroline" answered Christina

"Hold on a sec tonight is the full moon" replied Elena

Damon phones rang as he answers it

"Change of plan Jeremy babysit your sister and you come with me" ordered Damon

Damon and Christina head to the grill to meet up with Alaric

"Mason's mystery woman" replied Damon

"Is she a werewolf?" asked Alaric

"Only one way to find out wolfbane" answered Christina

Christina takes the wolfbane out from her pocket "go and annoy the woman Alaric"

Alaric goes over to annoy the woman as Christina and Damon approach Alaric and the woman

"Excuse me is this guy bothering you?" asked Damon

"I am not bothering anyone" replied Alaric

Alaric walks away after Christina shoved him

" Don't worry, he's harmless. He's sort of the town drunk. And you know, when we get tired of him we just put him in a cab and send him back to wherever he came from" explained Damon

"Why are you here?" asked Christina

"I'm looking for my friend Mason Lockwood" answered Woman

"Well I'm Mason's friend" replied Damon "you won't find him"

"Darling you should leave town and never return" said Christina

The woman leave as Alaric walks over as Damon walks over to the woman

"You think I'm afraid of you?" asked Damon

"No, I don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment you entered this bar, along with your pathetic wolfsbane. I've been at this a long time, and any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed, but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. You've been marked" answered woman

The woman walks away as Damon holds Christina back

"She just threatened you" growled Christina

"Just go home and lock your doors be on the safe side In case a werewolf does bite you and you end up dying" explained Alaric

Damon and Christina go home and vamp speeds around the house locking all the doors when they enter the living room to see Rose

"Hi to you to" said Rose

They hear something like breaking glass from another part of the house. They go in the living room to investigate. The window shatters as a wolf lunges into the living room. Damon grabs a sword hanging on the wall and swings it out. Christina is standing there looking as Rose pushes Christina out of the way; the wolf jumps on her, pushing her on her back on the floor, and chomps on her shoulder. Damon stabs the wolf with the sword, and the wolf flees the way it came

"How bad is it?" asked Damon

"it hurts" moaned Rose

"You saved me" said Christina "thank you"

Damon and Christina watch the werewolf bite heal as they look at each other "it's healing, wow that is weird"

"You know it was that woman that you picked a fight with Damon" said Christina "she was coming after you"

"Then he should say thank you because I just saved your life Chris" answered Rose

"Thank you Rose for saving my sister" thanked Damon

Suddenly Rose shoulder gets worse

"ow" screamed Rose "Oh my god it hurts"

The door opens as Christina vamp speeds to see Stefan

"Oh my days Stef you are out but how?" asked Christina

"Elijah let me out" explained Stefan

"Elijah you mean Nicolette's brother" replied Christina "I am so going to thank him"

"Chrissy can you get a blood bag for Rose please?" asked Damon

Christina vamp speeds into the kitchen as Stefan heads upstairs

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