Chapter 18 The last dance

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"Stefan would you love to come inside my house?" asked Elena

"I be delighted to you" Stefan replied

Stefan enters the house as Christina stood outside tapping her foot

"What are we twelve?" Damon questioned

"One of us is. If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?" asked Elena

"No" Damon replied

"Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" explained Elena

"Yes Elena sure" answered Damon

"Please come in" replied Elena "come in Christina"

Damon and Christina enter as Theon ran downstairs and picked Christina up spinning her around and pecking her on the cheek. Elena puts her coat on as Stefan head to school with her

"So Theon how about me and you in the living room watching Descendants" said Christina

"Yeah sure" replied Theon

They head in the living room and sat down to watch Descendants. The end of the school day came and Stefan, Elena and Bonnie returned to the Salvatore house

"We go to the dance to find him" said Damon

"We don't even know what he looks like" replied Elena

"Well for starters he is not sixteen" answered Damon

Alaric enters

"Hey" said Alaric

Christina stood up and let Alaric sit down

"Thank you" said Alaric

"I can take Klaus" said Bonnie "I can even kill him"

Alaric leaves. The others go and get ready as Stefan kisses Elena and Theon kisses Christina as Damon walks in

"Any time tonight" said Damon

"He's jealous because he isn't dating anyone" replied Christina

They head to the dance to see Jeremy

"Are you ready to do this?" asked Stefan

"I was born ready" shouted Christina

They began to dance. Christina wrapped her arms around Theon's neck who picks her up and spins her around and then places her back on the ground after pecking her on the lip

"You look stunning" whispered Theon

"Why thank you" said Christina

"Stefan inform Caroline what is going on" said Elena

"Damon" shouted Stefan

Damon takes Stefan's place and began to dance with Elena. They stop to watch Theon lift Christina in the air and spin her as he places her back on the ground. Stefan comes back after speaking to Jeremy and pulls Damon, Christina and Theon aside

"Stef is everything okay?" asked Christina

"Did you know if Bonnie uses her powers she could die?" asked Stefan

"No" replied Christina and Theon

"Yes and she promised me not to tell Elena so I didn't" answered Damon

Meanwhile, a couple of boys began to beat Jeremy up as Damon, Stefan and Theon rushed over and broke it apart. One boy shoots a crossbow at Damon hitting him in the shoulder

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