Chapter Sixteen

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The band of hunters and their loyal angel pulled into the empty parking lot of the Asbury Woods nature center.

They skipped the lodge and headed straight for the trails, only bothering to grab a map from the outdoor kiosk and several weapons from the trunk before setting off into the woods.

"So anyone else find it a bit odd that the journal just so happened to lead us to the exact person we've been trying to find?" Sam asked as they hiked along.

"I thought it was a bit scary, but I didn't wanna say anything. I heard you guys took down Satan so I assumed this kind of thing was regular for you," Oswin confessed.

"Nothing is a coincidence, and this is the biggest fucking coincidence I have ever seen," Dean said, "I have the feeling we're about to walk into some deep shit with this Doctor guy."

"Well a fucking ray of sunshine, you are!" Oswin said sarcastically.

"Dean is right, Oswin," Cas intervened, "This Doctor appeared in a locked room in a secure, hidden bunker. He could tell immediately that I was not human, then he simply scanned me with some odd object and he could hear the Enochian sub-waves I was receiving. Moreover, he knew exactly what file on Sam's list contained information about him just by glancing at its name. If he didn't want to be found today, he would have destroyed this journal long ago."

"So we're walking into a trap?" Oswin summarized.

"Looks that way, yeah," Sam sighed.

"Wonderful," Oswin exhaled in frustration, "Then I guess it's best not to keep him waiting." And with that she picked up the pace and took the lead, turning right onto the Loop Trail.

Slowly the path got steeper until eventually, when they looked to their left, they were at the top of a ravine. The view was gorgeous and Oswin couldn't help stare. As they walked the curve of the cliff, something caught her eye behind a tree. She squinted to get a better glimpse.

As they took a few more steps, the object came into full view. All she had to register was that it was bright blue.

"Hit the deck!" She yelped as she dropped to the ground in a push-up position. Sam and Dean hit the ground immediately as Castiel stared at them in confusion.

"Get down, asshat!" Dean hissed. Oswin nodded in the direction of the blue box. Cas followed the direction of her gesture, his eyes widening as he came across the police box and he immediately dropped to his stomach.

All four inched to the edge of the ravine, examining the blue phone booth, lying on their stomachs.

"So... Stakeout?" Oswin whispered.

"Indefinitely," Sam whispered back next to her.

"What?" Dean whispered.

Sam rolled his eyes, "It means for as long as it takes," he explained.

"Really, Dean?" Oswin looked at him, "You couldn't figure that out from the context? Context clues are an elementary level skill!"

"Well not all of us got to stay in the same third grade for more than a month! I jumped around in the chapters a lot!" Dean defended himself.

"I had the exact same childhood as you, and I can correctly use 'indefinitely' in a sentence," Sam hissed.

"Alright smartass, no need to rub your Stanford-level words in my face," Dean bickered.

"'Indefintely' is a sixth, maybe seventh grade vocabulary word!" Oswin sort-of-shouted in her whisper.

Cas interrupted by suddenly talking at normal volume, "I do not wish to intrude, but I believe someone is about to leave the box."

All three shut up whipped their heads in the direction of the blue phone booth, which now had one door pulled inward.

An old man with gray hair and bushy eyebrows exited, wearing a navy suit with a crimson button-up underneath.

"That is the man from the file room. That's The Doctor," Cas said.

"Shh!" Oswin shushed him for not speaking in a whisper. The Doctor leaned his head back into the doorway and seemed to... call into it.

"Is he mad? It's like four square feet! Who does he think he's talking to?" Oswin whispered.

The Doctor pulled his head out and began walking away. The hunters' jaws dropped as another figure stepped backwards out of the box and closed the door behind her. Her hair was a chestnut brown and shoulder-length. It just barely brushed against her navy blue dress, which was peppered with white polka dots and matched nicely with burgundy tights and navy flats. She turned around and trotted to catch up with the Doctor.

Except the figure was Oswin.

"Holy Fucking Hell," came a voice from behind them.


I apologize for shortness! I plan on uploading the next chapter by tomorrow! Wish me luck! Loving all y'all!

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