Glasses of shadows

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"If you hurt my brother you'll end up in the hospital, I can promise you that!" Megan yelled at the man sitting in handcuffs, at her partner Alex's desk. She was being restrained by another one of her coworkers. Alex led the guy into interrogation with Megan on his tail. She tried to follow them into the room, but Alex closed the door behind him. She sighed and went into the attached room to watch the interrogation.

The man sat there looking at Alex with a smile as he was being handcuffed to the table. Alex turned to the one-way glass and signaled Megan to record them. The female officer did as she was told, then sat down and got some supplies to sketch the man in front of her. Alex picked up a file, a notebook with a pen, and a photograph of a 13-year-old boy. He put the file and the notebook down, keeping the photo in his hand. He asked the guy to tell him his name.

"Names Flint Wolf, I'm 29, my birthday is the 25th of October 1990, I'm a Scorpio," Flint said laughing. Alex seemed unfazed by the response Flint had given him. He gave the man a stern glare before sitting down on a chair across from Flint and slid the photograph over to him. The suspect put on his glasses, that was on his jacket collar, and eyed the photo of the 13-year-old boy. The boy was around 5'4, a little chubby, had brown curly hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"His name is Chuck. Thought you should know the name of the boy you kidnapped." Alex said taking the photo back. Flint sighed before running his hands through his hair. He looked at the officer with anger in his eyes. He slammed his hands on the table.

"This is a wrong place, wrong time situation. I tried to save the boy, not kidnap him. You must believe me, please. I'm homeless, I have no motive to do it!" After his outburst, Flint sighed and put his glasses back on his jacket. Alex fidgeted with Chuck's photo in his hands. He was completely unsure about what to do. He turned to the window knowing his partner was on the other side.

"Look I know I call the shots, but he's your brother. What do you say we do?" Alex said with uncertainty in his voice. She smirked knowing exactly what to do.

"Let me in," Megan responded. Alex approached the door, he could hear Megan's high heels click against the floor. Megan walked in as soon as the door opened and took Alex's chair. She swung it around and straddled it with her arms crossed, resting on the back of it. She grabbed the notebook and pen next to her and tossed it over to Flint as Alex stood in a corner watching intently.

"My brother never came back home. You were the last one to see him. So where is he!?" Flint took the notebook and pen, muttering to himself. Megan tilted her head a little at his strange behavior. After a solid minute, Flint chucked the notebook at Megan's face. She caught it with ease and looked at the drawing of two men and an alleyway.

"That's where I last saw them, on Ninth street near the chocolate shop. White van, tinted windows, I didn't catch the plate." Megan wrote his words down as fast as he said them on the notebook and put it in her pocket. Her partner opened the door, and she ran out to her squad car. Alex jumped into the passenger seat with two bulletproof vests. They sped down the street with the siren on.

The two made it on scene and ran down the alley. There were three guys beating up one another. Megan drew her gun.

"Everybody hands up!" Alex reached into her pocket and pulled out the notebook. He put the drawings of the men near each one face. The far one on the left matched the drawing. Shoulder length hair, almond eyes, small nose, stubble but no mustache and quite skinny. As Megan saw that the man and the photo were a match, she threw him against the wall and roughly put him in cuffs. Alex took his time cuffing the other two. They put them in the car and drove back to the precinct.

"You're too close to this, stay out here," Alex told Megan as he walked away with the skinny guy. A few minutes later Alex came out of the interrogation, took Megan's arm and rushed her back to the squad car. He passed the speed limit by around 30 km/h. Megan worried the entire ride but refused to say anything.

Glasses of shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now