Chapter 10

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A few months had passed since Andy's face off with Jason, and he was welcomed into the round table. He was eager to prove even more that he belonged, but the opportunity had yet to arrive.

He was relocated to Denver a month ago because they apparently needed more support in the region. However, nothing was going on, and it was infuriating Andy. But he followed his orders and patrolled the area he was assigned. He walked down the 16th Street Mall and analyzed as many people as quickly as he could. He studied them and looked for anything out of the ordinary.

He had put an energy net around the more deserted areas. It was a technique that Jason and Lukas taught him. It combines numerous particles around a given area and sends a signal to him when energy particles are used. It takes a lot of concentration to maintain, so he needed a place to sit and focus.

He walked into one of the coffee shops he frequented so he could survey without looking too suspicious. This one was placed right in the busiest spot of the street. He sat down at one of the high tops along the large window pointing at the traffic passing by, and a waitress immediately came up to greet him. She had been his waitress every time he visited the shop, and they have become well acquainted. The black skirt she wore flowed around her knees as she approached.

"Back again Andy? I think you're addicted." She said in a bubbly and angelic voice.

"Yeah, I can't get enough of you." He joked back. He didn't really feel like talking to her, but he felt it would be rude if he just ignored her, so he decided to joke with her constantly.

"Well if you get something other than your usual then maybe I'll finally give you my number." She joked back. Luckily, she had a good sense of humor.

"Daisy! Now I have to get my usual!"

She made a fake pouting face and said, "Okay one black coffee and a French Dip coming right up."

He laughed as she walked away. He enjoyed her company, but he still couldn't get over Jackie. He looked over his shoulder and saw the bubbly blonde putting his order in the computer.

He turned to the window and started watching the people walk by. He thought about the crazy world he had been thrown into. He trained and absorbed all the knowledge he could from his fellow Users before he left. He learned the very basics of using plants and their versatility, and that with enough practice with water using he could control ice and heal wounds. He didn't learn enough to help in combat, but he had brainstormed ways to use even his limited knowledge.

Daisy brought him his coffee and his food, then sat down next to him at the table. She had never done this before, and it surprised Andy. He began to wonder if her joking flirting wasn't a joke and worried that he had been misinterpreted.

Calmly he asked her "What's up?"

"I'm on break, and I wanted to talk to you about something." She said quietly.

The seriousness of her voice worried Andy, but he remained calm. "Okay Shoot!"

"Do you know what my last name is?"

Andy shook his head.

"It's Starsly." She whispered with a large grin on her face.

He looked at her in confusion and tried to remember if that name rang any bells, it didn't.

"I'm sorry I don't know what that means."

"What are they teaching over at the Round Table? I'm part of a group of ancient magic users. I'm surprised George never told you about us."

"And why are you telling me this?"

"Because the Starsly family has been fighting by the Round Tables side for a long time."

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