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The first male pregnancy ever recorded was in 1963. The man was condemned and used as a scientific experiment. After a lot of study and research they conculded that it was due to a mutation the occurred in the DNA. Making the man have a female organ.

Since it was rear they ignored it and didn't go further with Medical research. But as the years went by women kept giving birth to males with the ability to give birth. The government started taking it seriously and started funding medical research.

Now 56 years later male pregnancy is no longer a risk and very common. Humans adpated and got used to seeing males with bugly stomachs walking around in the mall and other common places.


Taehyung's pov

"I think we should break up" Jungkook mused. I turned to my head upwards to look at his face. He looked so serious. We were on the bed cuddling after sex. I slowly sat up taking in what he said.

"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung questioned. "Look I know this is hard on you but I'm going to be away for four years Tae. We can't manage a long distance relationship for that long. And we are going to be busy with our lives so I think it's best if we broke up before I leave." Jungkook said

"Oh... Okay... Okay..." I said nodding my head " it's okay I understand so we are over now?" I asked stupidly. Jungkook noded and whispered "Yes we are over. I'm sorry Tae."

"Wow two years of dating gone like that? Shouldn't we at least try before you call it off. I mean we love each other so shouldn't we fight for this relationship. Shouldn't we.."I broke down crying. I couldn't do it. I couldn't break up with someone I considered the love of my life.
I looked at Jungkook and he looked away. He seemed to have set his mind on this.

"Okay" I breathed out "okay I'm sorry for breaking down. Um... let's break up." I said while wearing my clothes. I sat on his bed when I was done. "Can I... can I get a goodbye kiss at least?" I asked he nodded and pecked my lips. I grabbed my bag, looked at him one more time before leaving his room.

Once I got home I got in my bed and cried myself to sleep that night.

My hopes/Taekook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now