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Four weeks had passed. Within those four weeks, Yoongi was brought out of an induced coma. Jimin and Yoongi had a two-hour talk about what happened and decided to be friends on Jimin's account. Their friendship only lasted for a week before they confessed that they could never be friends and watch the other love someone else or move on because of how great the feelings they had for each other were. All in all, they got back together.

Jungkook took the role of a single parent. It took him a while to convince Jin that he indeed could take care of his own kids because of the agreement Taehyung had with Jin prior.

It was hard for Jungkook and he usually found himself wondering how Taehyung did it. Whenever the twins asked for Taehyung, Jungkook always made up a story about how he was traveling the world right now and would soon be back.

Jin, Namjoon, and Hyungsik were very supportive even though they had limited knowledge about Jungkook, except Namjoon. They tried to do things that could serve as a distraction for both Jungkook and the kids, but nothing could fill the void Taehyung left for these past four weeks.

Yoongi and Jungkook caught up a lot in the hospital when they saw each other. Well, that was after Yoongi gave him for leaving Taehyung after his promising Yoongi that he was never going to hurt Taehyung. They were rebuilding their dead relationship. 

Jungkook was very confused and the doctors were not helping because they seemed like they did not know what they were doing. After the hospital rush, the doctor was so sure that Taehyung was going to wake up in a week and had to be in this sleep state because of the lack of oxygen in his brain. A week passed and then four weeks passed and the doctors had no idea what was going on. They concluded it was still a lack of oxygen, but Jungkook could see that they doubted themselves.

It was common to see Jungkook sit by Taehyung every day and talk to him, even though he knew Taehyung could not reply to him. He’d talk about his regret and how he wished they never broke up of how he wished he was there when Taehyung was pregnant and when he gave birth to the beautiful kids they had. Something he would cry too when he spoke about things he wanted to do together with Tae. He was always wistful and wishful.

Taehyung usually wanted him to shut up. He wanted to tell him that he too wanted to do those things with him. He also wanted to tell Jungkook that he never fell out of love with him. But he couldn’t. He could not talk. It was like his body was a movie and whoever was watching it had hit pause. He could hear everything going on but he could not open his eyes and he could not talk or move any part of his body. He desperately wanted his children in his arms again. He missed their cuddles and their high pitched voices.

As more days went on, Taehyung focused all his will power to hit the play button. Jungkook’s saying kept urging him to leave this state of mind. A small part of him always wished Jungkook meant every word that came out of his mind and not just to urge him awake so he could be free of the burden of raising kids alone or at all. His devotion finally pays off when one day he opens his eyes. It was after the seventh week.

Jungkook’s POV

I had just dropped the kids in daycare and absolutely hated the fact that they had to go to daycare on a Saturday. I was on my way to see Tae again. I needed him to wake up. I hated seeing him like this with wires connected to different machines put on him. I also hated seeing him so helpless without that oxygen mask. I missed him in general. I missed the somewhat domestic life we had before the incident.

I pulled into a parking slot and walked the short distance to the hospital main entrance. When I got into the room that held Taehyung’s sleeping body he was not there. I first stood by the door shocked while negative thoughts ran through my mind. The one that stood out the most was that he was dead. I then walked into the room and searched everywhere. My irrational mind told me he stood up and was hiding. After the fruitless and senseless search, I went to the desk on that floor and asked of his whereabouts.

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