Gender reveal

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"Micah get your little butt down here now!" Taehyung called out giving Micheal a bowl of his favorite cereal, Great Grains crunchy pecans, with a tiny spoon.

Micah walked into the kitchen wearing a stained white dress. That dress was spotless when he put her in it this morning.

"Oh baby, I told you to be careful and not stain your dress" he picked her up and placed her in her chair. He gave her a bowl frosties cereal since she couldn't stand the dryness of the pecan cereal.

"Okay loves, papa will go up now for just five minutes. Please don't do anything that I wouldn't like." They nodded before going back to their cereal.

They were supposed to be on their way to Jin's gender reveal party. But Taehyung woke up late and he also had to bathe and dress three people including himself. He went into Michaela's room and checked her closet looking for a white dress.

He wanted the twins to dress in white so they'd seem gender neutral. They were supposed to wear the colour of their suspected gender. Pink for boys and blue for girls.

Taehyung was wearing a pink jumper with black jeans and a canvas. After looking for a while and not finding anything white he picked out a blue dress.

He then ran to Micheal's room remembering he brought a matching shirt for him. He got the shirt out a paired it with black jeans.

He went back down stairs and saw his little angels sitting and having an intense conversation about rabbit invasion it seemed

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He went back down stairs and saw his little angels sitting and having an intense conversation about rabbit invasion it seemed.

He walked up to Micah Frost and changed her dress before redressing Mick. At this point he wouldn't be surprised if they missed the entire party.

He rushed to pack some change of clothes and his wallet, phone and other things he carries out with him.

"Papa" Micheal called "yes honey?" "Miki keeped my shoes" "Micah please give your brother back his shoes and both of you should wait for me by the door."

He grabbed his car keys and rushed to the door. He looked at his kids and saw that they had switched their shoes. They never wanted him to do it for them. They probably took up his habit of not wanting to have shoes on.

"Okay Mick hold your sister's hand." He said so he could keep his balance as he raisied one of his legs up and removed the shoe and switched with the other leg. He did the same for Micah.

They finally got to the car and Taehyung played his kids playlist. It took thirty minutes before the arrived at Jin and Namjoon's house. Namjoon was planning the party to everyone's surprise.

He got out of his car in a hurry once he reached their house. He unbuckled the car seat and let the kids run up to the door. When he got to the door he saw an excited Seoah hugging Michael.

"Good afternoon Uncle TaeTae." Seoah greeted.

"Hey princess. Where are your dads?" He asked walking in. "In the kitchen." She answered running up to her room with the twins following her.

"Hey hyung sorry I'm late." "Oh it's fine you're the first one here actually" Taehyung took out a cup of yogurt from the fridge

"Why do you mean by I'm the first one here?" "Well he means that either every one he sent invitations to have zero knowledge about the concept of being early or he sent out the wrong time." Jin said walking into the kitchen.

Jin walked up to Taehyung and hugged him.

"Hey hyung and hello little one" he said placing his hand on Jin's bump. Jin was in the sixth month of his pregnancy.

"He says hello to you too." Jin said taking a sit in one of the chairs he kept in the kitchen. "He? You seem pretty sure" Namjoon stated. "Yes he. I'm one hundred percent sure that the baby is a boy." Jin claimed.

"Well I want a little girl" Namjoon stuck out his tongue childishly. That was pretty obvious as he was wearing blue from head to toe. And that also convinced Taehyung that the baby was a girl considering he was the only person who knew the gender of their unborn child.

They kept talking as they waited for more people to show up. Turns out Namjoon gave out the wrong time.

They had invited people from the company and their personal friends.

When a reasonable amount of people arrived they all went to the backyard for the event.

Namjoon had everything designed in either blue or pink and everything you were meant to touch, eat, and drink has to be the colour of your guess.

A lot of people were wearing pink probably because Seokjin told them he'd be having a boy and people just trusted the carrier's instinct. 

When Taehyung had enough of mingling and talking to people he went upstairs to the kids room.

Jungkook's POV

Hoseok and Jungkook arrived at Namjoon's house for the party. He was really excited for this because he had always wanted to do this someday for his own child.

He walked into the backyard to greet the expecting parents.

"Namjoon hyung" he said when he saw that he was free. "Hey Koo. Let's go introduce you to my husband." They walked into the house to go meet Jin who was in the kids room.

"You invited a lot of people hyung" "yeah I didn't want anyone to feel left out at Jin's company so I had give everyone an invite" Namjoon replied with his hand on his neck.

After walking for a minute they faced a door that had butterflies and trees, bushes, and flowers stickers on it. Jungkook guessed it was to give show something similar to a forest.

Namjoon opened the door and they walked in. There were two men in the room. One of them turned to look at the people who just entered and the other was too busy with the kids to notice them.

The one who turned was pregnant.

"Jin this is Jungkook and Jungkook this is Jin" Jin stood up to give Jungkook an hand shake. "It's nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from Joon" Seokjin said. "It's nice to meet you too. You're basically all Namjoon hyung talks about."

"Jin hyung when are you revealing the gender. The twins and Seoah are going to miss the final episode of rabbit invasion if we don't go now." A familiar voice came from the man facing the kids in the room.

"Namjoon can you answer that" the man turned only now realizing that they had company.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the face he could never forget. The face of his first love.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung whispered out.

A/N: Hello everyone 👋. I just wanted to say thank you for your support. We just hit one thousand read and I'm super happy and grateful for you guys voting, reading, commenting, and even following me. Also this happened.

 I'm super grateful

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I'm super grateful. Thank you again.♥️♥️♥️♥️

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