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The weather was cold, sky grey and cloudy, windows covered in frost and street corners lined with thin snow. It was that dreaded time of year- winter.

Crowley hated winter more than he hated Lucifer himself. It was awful, cold, windy, icy, what was there to like about it? He didn't understand why humans put so much effort into hyping the season up, decorating shop windows in little glittery snowflakes and fake frost and special foods in restaurants.

He often spent the dreaded season indoors, wrapped in blankets and drinking piping hot coffee from a large mug. He didn't mind too much, but it did get a bit lonely.

He would ask Aziraphale to join him, but the Angel- for whatever reason- adored winter. He was always requesting the demon come shopping with him to gather new warmer clothes, like sweaters and hoodies, or asking him to go ice skating. Crowley would love to do such things with his Angel, just any time other than winter.

So Crowley always thought it was pointless to ask his angel over to sit in a warm room when he would probably much rather be out in the snow. He didn't want him to agree out of pity.

However, despite the awful temperature the day had brung, Crowley was sick of sitting alone. He wanted to at least have a conversation with the Angel, and he was willing to run from the comfort of his office to the Bentley to do that.

Wrapped in several jackets and scarfs, the demon slammed his car door and rushed to the entrance to Aziraphale's bookshop. He banged the wooden door a few times before just welcoming himself inside. Instantly he was hit with overwhelming heat, which whilst was refreshing for Crowley, was a little off for the Angel.

The demon stripped off into his usual skinny jeans and blazer, actually starting to sweat under the layers due to the blazing radiators. "Angel?" He called, waiting for a response.

"Ah Crowley! What a pleasant surprise!" Crowley smiled to himself at the sound of his angels voice, putting his hands into his pockets and loosening his posture. "Not out in the snow then aye?" He chirped, wondering over to the couch and taking a seat. Aziraphale hummed in response, followed by a sneeze. "Bless you." Crowley instinctively replied.

The Angel rose his eyebrows in thanks, rubbing his nose on his sleeve before sneezing again, and again, and again. The demon noted it, but just ignored it.

"Would you like a drink, dear?" Aziraphale asked, holding a few bottles of wine from the other room as of to ask his friend which he wanted. Crowley nodded at one bottle and sat up , pushing a few books off the table to leave room for the alcohol. When the angel set them down, the demon lowered his brows.

"Angel, are you alright?" He asked, his voice somewhat concerned. Aziraphale was a few shades redder than usual, his nose specifically, and his cheeks were puffy. He also seemed to have a slight tremor. He nodded quickly and brushed the question off, popping the cork off the bottle of wine.

Crowley took the chance when the angel leaned forward to feel his forehead, gasping to himself at the extreme heat Aziraphale was admitting. "God angel, you're practically on fire! What's the matter with you?" He sounded more passive aggressive than intended, but he knew the angel knew what he was on about.

Aziraphale puffed out his cheeks and flapped his hand in dismissal. "I told you Crowley, i am perfectly fi-" he interrupted himself with a harsh cough, his eyes fluttering a bit and his body swaying. Crowley took a second to assess the situation, but when the angel began to fall sideways he sprung up.

He caught him around the waste and pulled him up, leaning him against his body and directing him to the sofa. He lied the angel down and sat beside him as he flashed in and out of reality. "It's alright Angel, I'm here." Crowley brushed his forehead with his lanky fingers, counting the man's breaths.

"C-Crowley?" Aziraphale squeaked, drawing the demons attention back to him. "I-I don't feel well." He lent his head against the pillow, forcing his eyebrows down. Crowley smirked and giggled slightly. "Yeah, I caught that."

"Have you been out in the snow a lot then?" The demon asked, earning a nod from the angel. "Have you been underdressed for it?" He nodded. Crowley chuckled. "And you always wonder why I hate winter." Even the angel cracked a weak smile.

After an hour or so of the Angel recovering from his fall, the two decided to stay in and snuggle up in some blankets. Crowley wrapped 2 woolly blankets around their shoulders, and tucked Aziraphale under his chin.

"Feeling any better, Angel?" He asked, Aziraphale nodding quickly. He lent his head against his demons chest, listening to his heart beat and shutting his eyes.

Maybe Crowley would ask Aziraphale to come sit with him on a winter day in his office after all, maybe he wouldn't hate the idea as much as the demon thought he would.

Maybe winter wasn't so bad after all. Maybe.

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