All that should matter

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It was a nice, warm and bright day. The sun was out, birds were flying high, and more importantly, no apocalypse.

Aziraphale sat waiting for Crowley on their normal bench in the park, smiling fondly at all the little children splashing about in the lake. He cashed a glance at his demon, who was ordering them ice cream at the regular stand. He always offered to order, but Crowley always insisted.

Not that he minded particularly, it was sweet that he got the angels order correct every time.

And he had again, Crowley walked back over and handed Aziraphale a vanilla cone, just as he always wanted. The demon took a seat along side him and started licking away at his strawberry lolly. Crowley always got the same thing, mostly because that was the only thing in the menu he could stomach. He had never really been one for food, unlike the angel.

Aziraphale went to thank him, but stopped himself quickly. He knew Crowley hated being thanked, 'demons aren't nice' he'd always say. Instead he just nodded his head and smiled.

Crowley took tiny licks of his frozen treat, not wanting to admit he really wasn't in the mood for it. Anything for his Angel. He was focused on staring out at the lake, relaxing at the thought of hell finally off his back. Now he could spend time with Aziraphale, as much time as he wanted to, and he planned on spending all of his time with-

His thoughts were interrupted by a small hard object flicking into his cheek. It didn't hurt, but it sure as hell spooked the demon. Was someone throwing stuff at him? He glanced down at the object, but it'd fallen through the bench onto the floor. He looked up at Aziraphale to see if he'd reacted, but he'd turned away. Odd.

Crowley lowered his brows in confusion. "Angel?" He asked, lowering his sunglasses when the Angel didn't respond. "Angel? Are you okay?" He asked again, putting his hand on Aziraphale's shoulder to pull him back to face him.

Noticing the angels hesitation to face him, Crowley gently tugged his shoulder. "Aziraphale, Whats the matter?" He cooed softly. The angel jutted, then reluctantly shuffled to face the demon. Crowley stared confusedly at Aziraphales watery eyes, had someone thrown something at him too?

As the angels eyes moved downwards, the demons followed. He let out a sigh in understanding as he saw what he was upset about.

Aziraphales beige wastecoat, the one he'd been wearing for years, was missing a button. It'd popped off near the Angels stomach.

"Uh, I-I think i should stop eating..." Aziraphale murmured, his voice shaky and embarrassed. Crowley felt his heart tremble with guilt, he could see how hurt the angel was.

Throughout the years, Aziraphale had never cared about his weight, his appearance or what or how much he ate. It'd never mattered to him in the slightest. But now, in this moment, Crowley could see the years of reflection in his eyes. He could see the ache and regret of thousands of years of human dishes, lunches and dinners.

In that moment, Crowley knew Aziraphale was scared of other people's opinions. For the first time in the whole 6000 years they'd known each other, Aziraphale was insecure.

The demon slurred with words for a moment, lacking the right ones to comfort his angel. He put his hand under Aziraphales chin and lifted it so he could look directly into his eyes. He found himself blushing slightly.

"Th- Thats Alright Angel, it's okay." He coxed, laying his other hand over the popped button on his waste coat. "I can fix it for you.." Crowley pressed his forehead against Aziraphales, feeling the angel tense his brow.

Suddenly the demons hand was shoved off Aziraphales abdomen, the angel moving away. Crowley sent a quizzical look at him. Had he done something wrong?

"Angel, what's the-"
"I don't want you to fix it! I'll only go and ruin it again!"

The demon rose his eyebrows as if to ask what he meant, but Aziraphales teary eyes told him all he really needed. "I-I don't want you to fix it Crowley, because my silly self will only go eat myself full again, a-and again, and again! I don't deserve you to mend me because I'll only do the same thing again!" The angel was practically sobbing.

Crowley felt his eyes well up. He never knew Aziraphale felt that way, he never would've thought. He always seemed so content in his lifestyle.

"No, Crowley, I don't want you to make me feel better. I-I'll always be this way, I'm-" he stopped suddenly, as if the words were stuck in his mouth.

"You're what, Angel?" The demon asked gently, shuffling ever so slightly closer to him. Aziraphale spat and spluttered through tears and sobs, trying to form basic sentences but, nothing coming out.

"I'm fat Crowley!" It came out loud, but soft at the same time, leaving the angel just staring into the demons endless black shades. "I'm fat.." he whimpered to himself.

Crowley felt like he was going to cry, but forced himself not to as to calm his angel down first. "Ang- Aziraphale, you're not fat, I assure you you're not." He lent his hand over the angels shoulders and pulled him in.

"You don't understand, Crowley, you're lovely and slim and have a gorgeous body- why would you ever want someone like me?" The angel squeezed his eyes closed, making the demon even weaker to the tears in his eyes. Good lord, the poor angel.

"Aziraphale listen to me, I don't care how you look! I don't care that one button popped off, they could all pop off and it wouldn't bother me! I don't care that you're not skinny, why would I? I love you for you, angel, I don't want you to change for anyone because you're perfect the way you are." The words practically fell off Crowley's tongue, making him shiver when he really reviewed what he'd said.

But it didn't matter, because his angel was smiling. "Y-You love me?" He squeaked. Crowley swallowed, but thought back to his trial. No one was on their backs anymore, not heaven or hell. It didn't matter what their sides thought anymore, they were on their own side.

"I don't love you angel, I adore you, you're my everything and more and I love you so much more than you can even think." He was shut up by the angels lips crashing against his, a slow and gentle kiss that assured Crowley that Aziraphale felt the exact same.

They pulled back, staring into each other's eyes. Aziraphale smiled and looked away, his blush practically contagious. The demon was amazed at the kiss, happy of course, but he was more happy that his angel had relaxed.

"So, dinner at the Ritz?" Aziraphale chirped, trying to wipe the redness from his face. Crowley pulled a sarcastic face. "Yeah, I don't see why not." They stood up and slowly linked hands, admiring the sensation.

"Do you want me to fix your button?" The demon asked, earning a hum from the angel. "No thank you, I'll fix it later." He grinned, thankful Aziraphale was still as in love with food as he always had been. He wouldn't be the same without it.

Crowley did end up fixing Aziraphales waste coat, but rather than just getting rid off the problem with his 'demon miracles', he hand sewed it back on- with a little bit of leeway. He didn't want his angel to get embarrassed again.

Crowley never cared about how his angel looked, never cared that he was chubby or short, the only thing he cared about was his adorable personality. And that's all that should matter.

Inspired by the comic above by L3earfat oN I think DA?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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