Chapter 1

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There is a worldwide "epidemic" of defectives, that's what they call us. People that survived a real virus that almost killed all humankind. 90% of the sick people died, but the remaining 10% came out of that sickness with marks and abilities like no other. There are reports of a girl able to make and manipulate electricity at will, a boy that can make physical illusions and many others like them. But one of the most dangerous of all can wield the original sickness and kill anyone he desires. He is the reason that the remaining authorities made a leveling system to rank the marked and issued a statement "Any marked person will have to surrender to the nearest authorities, those that don't will be considered a threat to the public. To the rest of the citizens, know that harboring fugitives from the law or not reporting will be considered high treason"
And that was it, that is what doomed us all.

Some surrendered within the first 48h since the statement was released, those people haven't been seen again. But the rest of us are now on the run, any contact with our families makes them be considered traitors and are arrested, so that's why we run. The government is scared of us and I don't blame them but we are still people.

All of us are scared of the M.R.P. The Marked Retrieval Personnel, a special task force that specializes in hunting down and capturing people like me, if they cant be subdued, they are terminated, another word they use for killing innocent men, women and children.

Hey guys
I hope you like the first part of this new story I have been working on. Many more parts to come so stay tuned and comment your thoughts.
Love you all

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