Chapter 2

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There were special hospitals or camps for the sick ones. The doctors there whore what looked like space suits to avoid any direct contact with us. In the TV was a man telling all the sick people to head down to those hospitals and that there was going to be help there.

 In the TV was a man telling all the sick people to head down to those hospitals and that there was going to be help there

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I remember the pain and the cold that chilled my bones. My parents and everyone else in the suburbs where sick. My mother and father packed while me and my little brother waited for them in porch swing, my brother was 15 at the time and was trying to keep me as calm as he could.

The walk of the dying they called it. You could tell who was sick by what we were wearing, and at the time was full winter clothes in the middle of summer and scorching sun, but we didnt feel the heat. Many died on the walk to the camp, our neighbors and their daughter, my dad's best friend and others. When we got there, doctors greeted us and separated the adults and the children in different wards, I was ten years old at the time so I was with the other kids. The doctors there were trying to keep us from fully knowing what we where going through. There were beds all lined up to the walls of the white tents. There where 3 doctors with us, one of them was a woman that was amazing with us, but I don't remember much. What I do remember isn't pleasant.

I remember faint screams and crying of the little kids, they never stopped crying and calling out to their parents. The smell of vomit and blood filled the air, but the thing that scared me the most was me seeing my brother having  seizures with blood coming out of his nose, so they had to put him in a medically induced coma so that the seizures didn't fry his brain. I was coming in and out of consciousness all the time. The thing about this was that the virus had different effects on everyone and the doctors didn't know what was going to happen next.

They didnt know if me or my brother where going to make itweek passed by and I woke up and there was no more screaming, no more crying. Nothing, just the sounds of the machines. All the kids under 3 died and my brother was still in the coma, he was still pail but had these weird black vein like marks in his neck. I tried to get up from my bed but the doctor stopped me.

-"What's wrong with my brother? Where are my parents? I want to see my dad"

-"Dont try to get up. Your brother will be fine. "

-"Where is my mom and dad?"

-"Your dad is still very sick…."

She didn't have to tell me. I knew what had happened to my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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