Chapter 4.

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Carly's POV

"Stop killing me!" Tommy whined.

"Dude, I told you how to shoot and move around, the bots are on the lowest difficulty." I said.

"He's terrible at this." Nikki said.

"Shut up! I know you wouldn't do any better!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Give me the controller." Nikki said and got up from the couch.

"No, I almost got it. Fuck off." Tommy said and held the controller tightly.

"Give it to me!" Nikki said and held his hand out.

"No!" Tommy exclaimed.

Nikki sat down next to Tommy and tried to pry it out of his hand. Tommy started pushing Nikki off and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you guys always act like little kids?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes, they do." Mick spoke up.

"Hey, do you have any beer? Or jack?" Vince asked, looking in my cabinets.

I got up and walked over to the cabinets. I opened up the bottom one and pulled out the bottle of Jack.

"I don't have beer. I don't like beer. It tastes nasty." I said.

"Thanks, Carly." He said and ruffled my hair.

I fixed my hair. "I don't appreciate that very much." I said with a laugh.

"Can I play on your phone? Tommy won't share the controller." Nikki said and walked over to me.

I sighed and got my phone out. "Don't answer any texts or phone calls." I said.

Nikki smiled and grabbed my phone. "What's the password? It's asking for a passcode." He asked.

"Oh, it's 1958." I replied.

Nikki put it in and walked away, he sat down on the couch and started looking through the phone.

"Want a shot of vodka? We saw you taking one earlier today." Vince asked and brought the vodka back out.

"Yeah, why not?" I replied.

Vince poured vodka into my shot glass and I downed it.

"You do that like a pro. How often do you drink?" He asked.

"Uh, pretty often, I guess–"

"What's this thing called Sixx Shades of Grey?" Nikki interrupted me.

My eyes went wide. "Nothing! Get away from it now!" I exclaimed and walked over to Nikki.

He smirked and started scrolling on the phone. "His kisses trailed down to my neck, then to my chest, over my breasts, trailing down my stomach, he kissed down my thi–"

"Stop! Give me my phone back!" I exclaimed and tried to grab it.

Nikki laughed and pulled his arm back. He stood up and held the phone above his head, still reading it.

"Nikki, I mean it!" I said and stood on my tippy toes to try and get it.

"Oh my god, you wrote erotica about Nikki?!" Tommy asked.

"No!" I replied and my face heated up.

"I wanna read!" Tommy said and put the controller down.

Nikki laughed and ran away, he grabbed Tommy's arm and they ran into my bedroom. I ran after them and they ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I turned the doorknob but, it didn't open.

"Unlock the door!" I exclaimed and knocked on it.

I groaned and walked back out. Vince looked at me and laughed. "I didn't know you liked Nikki that much." He said and took a drink of Jack.

"Shut up." I muttered and poured myself another shot of vodka, quickly downing it.

"I'll have some vodka, if that's okay with you." Mick said and stood.

"Help yourself." I said and walked back to the bathroom door. I knocked on it. "Can I have my phone back now?!" I asked.

The door unlocked and Nikki opened it, smirk on his face.

"Here, little one." He said, handing me my phone.

My face heated up and Tommy walked out. "If it makes you feel any better, it was really good." He said.

"Fuck off." I muttered and walked away.

"I'm bored, I wanna do something." Nikki said, trailing behind me. "Can we go to the store?" He asked.

"No, are you crazy!" I exclaimed. "You can't go out in public, how the fuck would we explain that?" I asked.

"Put us in disguises?" Vince suggested. "Come on, it'll be fun!" He added on.

I groaned. "Fine. Disguises, but nobody is allowed to take their disguise off until we're back here." I said.

They smiled. "I can't drive, I have alcohol in my system." I said.

"I'll drive. I haven't had anything to drink." Nikki said.

"Okay, come on. I gotta make you all look like you're from this time period" I said.

"What the fuck is this?" Nikki asked as I tied his hair into a bun.

"I know, I think it looks stupid, too. But, that's what's trending for guys." I replied.

"I look like a freak." He said.

"No you don't, you just don't look like yourself." I said. "Okay. Are we all ready to go to the store?" I asked and looked around at the boys.

They all nodded. They all still have leather pants on, so they stick out but, I made sure their faces aren't recognizable. Nikki has his hair up in a man bun, Tommy has a beanie on, Mick has a hoodie on with that hood up and Vince protested to be doing anything with his hair, so his hair is down. They all have sun glasses on and different shirts on.

"While we're there. We can buy you guys some clothes, since I have no clue how long you all are gonna be here for." I said.

"Where can we buy some smack?" Nikki asked.

"Oh, there's a store right across the place we're going to that has you covered." I replied.

"Really?" Nikki asked

"No! Not really, you're not getting smack!" I exclaimed.

The rest of the boys laughed. "Okay, let's go!" Tommy said, holding up my car keys.

Oh God, what the fuck is gonna happen?

(A/N: Leave predictions to how you think this will go! I love hearing what you guys think will happen next☺️Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye!)

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