Chapter 19.

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Carly's POV

"What the hell do you mean you're in a relationship with him?!" Present Vince asked.

"I wouldn't say relationship, there's no label." I replied.

"Like that makes it any better!" Present Mick exclaimed.

"You're in a relationship with someone that was born in 1958, who is 27 in 2019! Do you realize how crazy that sounds?!" Present Nikki exclaimed.

"Yes! I do, but this whole situation is crazy!" I replied.

"How did this even start? The relationship?" Present Tommy asked.

"Well, there was this drinking game and Nikki said if I lost, then I have to make out with him, and of course I lost, so–"

"Oh my god, this isn't important right now!" Present Nikki exclaimed, cutting me off. "It needs to end, now." He said.

"Yeah, right!" I replied.

I was actually a little surprised that I talked to Nikki like that, I dry swallowed and looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry, I just, really like him and he really likes me–"

"No, he doesn't." Present Nikki cut me off. "1987 me didn't like anything besides heroin." He added on.

"He doesn't have any Heroin! He's looking really healthy and happy!" I replied, looking back up at Present Nikki.

"You're being naive!" Present Nikki exclaimed.

"This isn't the point!" Present Vince said, putting his hands up.

"Yeah, the point is that they need to go back to their time period." Present Mick said. "Are you sure you didn't do anything to make them appear here? Anything at all?" He asked.

"No, I swear! They just showed up here one day." I replied.

I heard footsteps waking towards the bedroom, present Mötley decided to have this conversation with me in private. I saw Past Nikki appear in the doorway and I smiled.

"Why're you yelling at her?" Past Nikki asked. "She didn't do anything wrong." He said.

"We're just trying to figure everything out." Present Tommy replied.

"Okay, I get that. But, don't come in here and yell at her." Past Nikki said.

"Why don't you just butt out, okay?" Present Nikki said.

And just like that, I saw something change in Past Nikki. He clenched his jaw and his fists.

"You know, I've been trying to hold back because Carly wanted me to, but I can't anymore." Past Nikki said. "You're a fucken dickhead!" Past Nikki said, looking directly at Present Nikki.

Present Nikki raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?" He asked.

"You fucken heard me! Who the fuck yells at a 19 year old girl?!" Past Nikki exclaimed. "You're an old, bitter asshole!" He yelled.

"You're one to talk!" Present Nikki yelled. "You're the absolute worst version of myself!" He yelled.

"I'm the most fun version of you–Me!" Past Nikki yelled. "You're sober, what the fuck kind of fun is that?! And you published my diaries! My private, personal diaries! You let everyone see how I really am! How could you?!" He yelled.

"Nikki, please stop." I said quietly, looking at Past Nikki.

"No! I don't want to! I've been biting my tongue the whole time they were here, but I can't take it anymore! You're a fucking asshole!" Past Nikki yelled and pointed at present Nikki.

"You're a fucken trainwreck! I almost died, that's why I got clean. Actually, I did die! You died in 1987! I saved your damn life!" Present Nikki yelled.

"You made me a boring old man! Fuck you! You act like you're better than everyone just because you're clean! You're not! You're still a junkie! You're still just like me!!" Past Nikki yelled.

My eyes went wide and the rest of Present Mötley and I all exchanged looks. I looked back at the Nikki's and dry swallowed. Things are about to get very bad.

Present Nikki charged right up to Past Nikki and shoved him, knocking Past Nikki to the ground. Past Nikki looked up at present Nikki.

"You've just made the biggest mistake of your life, you old fuck." Past Nikki said, bitterness dripping off of every word.

Past Nikki got up and shoved Present Nikki. He stumbled, but Past Nikki immediately punched him in the face. My eyes went wide once again.

"Hey! Knock it off!" Present Mick said. "God, this is the weirdest experience of my fucking life and I thought I was dead and could walk through walls at one point!" He exclaimed. "But, THIS tops that!" He added on.

Present Nikki looked taken aback, he just looked at Past Nikki for a minute, just taking in what the fuck is happening. I imagine that it's hard to comprehend what's happening right now.

Present Nikki grabbed Past Nikki's shirt and slammed him up against the wall, the picture frames on the wall shook and some fell. I covered my mouth.

"You better stop right now, I could kill you if I need to and trust me, I really want to. But, the only reason why I'm not is because I value my life and if I kill you, there won't be any me." Present Nikki said.

Past Nikki have him a dirty look and spit on Present Nikki. Present Nikki let go of past Nikki and wiped the spit off him.

"Fuck you! I can't stand you!" Past Nikki said.

"Please, stop!" I yelled. "Oh my god, you both are adults! Act like it! God, why is this even happening right now?! How the fuck is this happening?!" I yelled. "It's getting late, you guys leave, we'll talk more about this tomorrow morning. Okay?" I asked, looking at Present Mötley.

"Okay, fine." Present Vince said. "11 o'clock." He said.

"Okay, see you guys then." I replied.

After Present Mötley left I grabbed Nikki's arm and went into my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and covered my face.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Let's just, go the fuck to bed, please." I replied.

Nikki chuckled a little. "Okay, that sounds like a good idea." He said.

He lifted me up and laid me in the bed and got into bed next to me.

"Let's get up early so we have some time to ourselves." He said and kissed my head.

I turned off the lamp and smiled. "Okay, sounds good to me." I said.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Night, love." I said and shut my eyes.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye!)

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