Chapter 1

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It was 5 p.m when i got off from work. I hated working a 9-5 and if the oppurtunity came up i'd drop everything and become a stripper. I hated being around the snobby white people and i hated them acting like i was some kind of slave.

"Have a goodnight Ms.Romani" my boss said watching me grab my bag and head out, i just nodded my head at him rushing to my car. They were lucky they paid enough for me to support myself comfortably.

I worked at Johnson enterprises as a secretary, a company that scammed people out of their money and paid employees extra to keep it on the low. And you probably wondering why i would work at a scamming company but if they paid you 20 an hour just to answer calls, get coffee, pick up packages, or deliver things to the different floors i'm sure you would too! The only problem was my 'coworkers' abusing their power over me a bit too often knowing i had no choice but to hold my tongue.

Anyway now for a proper introduction. Im Chanel Dior Romani, i lived in the hood of LA alone with my one cat. Highschool was perfect i had the grades, the friends, and everything i could ask for until i hit 18 my senior year. Everything changed after my grandmother passed away and i had to fend for myself. My mother was a crackhead who refused to get help and my father...well he was either in jail or dead. I got a job to support myself and only used my grandma's left over money to keep the house up on the bills. My grades fell and any chance i had at getting a scholarship out of this hell hole vanished. Yea it was hard but i didn't need a pity party thrown at me, i did what i had to do to survive and be comfortable. I only had one boyfriend throughout highschool; Darian, my first love but after him seeing i had no time for him between work and school he cheated and i left him alone, i had no time for the bullshit he wouldve put me through had i stayed.

I pulled into the driveway grabbing my things and getting out. My nosey neighbor Jim was outside once again watching everything i did.

"Hey neighbor i see you home again!Exactly 6:00 pm this time huh!" He yelled like he wasn't right on his front porch.

"Yup exactly" i said dryly rushing to my door, this man watched from the time i woke up to leave till the time i pulled back in the driveway. He used to be friends with my grandmother i guess him calling out everyday was a reminder to show me he hadn't forgotten about me but the shit was annoying. I heard him fixing his lips to say something else before i rushed in and shut the door.

Silence. Peace and quiet after a long hectic day. I dropped my purse on the counter and went to take a nice hot shower. After i was done i slipped on my robe and ordered a pizza. Thankfully it was still light outside or they wouldn't have came out at all after being robbed or shot at so many times.

I turned the tv on to see there was another shootout this week in my neighborhood. This was something normal over in these parts of town, this had been the 4th time this week and it was only Thursday! I flipped the channel leaving it on Spongebob, yes i was still a kid at heart spongebob would forever be my shit!

30 minutes later the pizza man rang the doorbell, i got up going to the door paying him, before i could even take the pizza out his hand some shots rang out down the street. This nigga throws the pizza in my hands and takes off running to his car zooming off. These people have one more time to shoot while the pizza man out before they stop delivering here for good! I stood in the door way watching the direction the shooting had come from. Police sirens were in the distance and more people had come outside to watch. This seemed like the only thing we could all do together, stand outside and watch the drama go down instead of trying to change or prevent it. I took a slice of pizza out the box eating it and watching the show. An all black benz pulled up to the house next to me and the guy next door finally came out. He was always quiet he never came out unless somebody came to him and he always seemed to be smoking something. Now whether it was crack or something else nobody knew, i ain't even know the dude name, he kept his head low and never made eye contact with anyone.

I watched the benz for a minute seeing what dope dealer was trying to show off the new wheels to see a man i'd never recognized before... and damn this nigga was beautiful. He took a quick glance over to me before locking his car and going inside with my neighbor. I quickly went back inside watching tv, i did NOT wanna get entangled in something that had nothing to do with me. I had no room for it anyway.

Hey yall i'm starting a new series, i got inspired to do this. Stay tuned! This story won't be like my other ones!


I'll try to update this book a alot more.

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