Chapter 15

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Your pov

I tip toe out of my room, just in case mother is here, with Jevil floating behind. I could hear her snores echo down the hall and getting louder as I sneak down the stairs closer to the door to the living room.

I look inside and see that she had beer bottles scattered around her, some empty, some half empty and spilling onto the floor. She had the T.V on full volume while she snored so lucky for me it seems she won't be waking up anytime soon. 

I open the front door once I reached it and walked outside, the cold night air hitting me. I shiver as I enter out into the cold.

I walked through the woods, leaves crinkled at my every step both from dryness and the thin layer of frost coating them. Here and there you would hear the rustle of leaves or the snap of a twig from the animals that come out during the night.

We reached the town. The streets were dead for everyone is in bed, in some buildings you could hear the dim sound of music playing from bars or some houses having a house party, most likely Jockington. 

We both reach the other side of town and hear circus music in the distance and the cheering of the small crowd that had formed for the show. 

I look at Jevil to see that he's visibly vibrating in the air from excitement. 

"You okay?" I ask him, worried that he might explode. 

I gave out a yelp of surprise as Jevil swiftly took my hand and dragged me towards the circus tent. There we saw stalls selling all kinds of food whilst forming a path to the entrance to the tent. I stop at the stall selling candy floss and. OH. MY. GOODNESS IT WAS RAINBOW. I ran over to the stand like a child in a toy shop.

"Hey Jevil, you want one?" I ask him, quickly glancing to him seeing he nodded and back to the stall owner to ask for two, before I could ask though he was already holding two sticks of candy floss.

I grabbed my purse to give him money that I found while cleaning the sofa, The man running the stand shook his head, "There's no need to pay, it's our last showing so why not let it be on the tent?" He pushed the two sticks forward and awkwardly I took it.

"are you sure?" I asked, in case he was joking.

He nodded his head and said it's fine and told us to just enjoy the show. So we walked to the door and took our seats.

Once we sat down the lights went off and the only light remaining was the spotlight shining on the ringmaster he had the cliche top hat, red jacket and suit along with a cane.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF ALL KINDS, WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS!!!" He started while pointing to the people scattered around the benches surrounding the ring.

"WE WILL BE STARTING WITH A SPECIAL SHOW FROM THE ACROBATS AND AERIAL SILK DANCERS!!!" and with that he walked out of the spotlight as the rest of the lights turned on and there on floating platforms were a pair of acrobats ready to swing around.

From the ceiling were 12 silk ropes dangling down, six dancers with two silks to support each one, on the ground were two or three rows of people standing there.

It was silent for a minute or so, nobody moving at all. I jump slightly as drums began loudly banging, vibrations making my body shake as the thrum through the tent. I look over to Jevil and see him leaning forward in his seat with a big grin on his face.

The acrobats began swinging in the air doing flips and all sorts while the people on the bottom began dancing and doing flips, cartwheels and creating human pyramids and towers in which the person on the top would jump off and the rest would soon join. The aerial silk dancers were beautiful, the danced in the air with such grace.

At the end of the performance the ringmaster went back in the middle while the performers went to the back stage.

"WELL, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT PERFORMANCE, BUT NOW IS THE TIME TO GET FIRED UP FOR THE FIRE TAMER BRIGADE!!!!" The ringmaster exited once again but the lights didn't turn on this time.

Out of the darkness you could see twenty balls of fire, each flame was right above each other, as if it was a tower of flames. Every two flames would be moving opposite end of the two above. The lights suddenly turned on as soon as flames danced in the air. 

I can clearly see them now, all of the fire dancers were on top of each other forming a tower, there were ten of them. Each one holding a staff that had flames burning on each end.

The dancers got off of each other and ate the flames one by one and spat them out as if they were breathing it like dragons.

The performance continued on and nobody died, I glanced at Jevil to see he was literally vibrating while holding onto the railing in front of him.


Smoke began covering the stage, out of the smoke came a lone man, he began speaking. 

"For our first trick I will need two assistants..." he looked around the stage until his eyes landed on Jevil and I


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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