Chapter sixteen

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"stop moving or else!!!"
"Let go of me!"
He would not let go of me.
"Francis help!!!" I yelled to Francis but he turned away from me. Letting Ivan attack me. "Nooo!!! Come back and help me!!" I yelled starting to cry. "Don't leave me too..." I cried.
"Finally, you decide to stay still."


"Ahhhhh" I jumped up screaming. I held onto my chest quickly. "Arthur are you okay?" Francis woke up suddenly to hold me. "You left me! Why did you-." I could not finish what I was saying because I started to cry. "Hey, it is okay; what is wrong?" Francis asked rubbing circles on my back. I looked at my cast which was starting to get stained from the tears that fell onto it. "It was just a nightmare....about, what happened," I sniffled and touched my cast softly.

"I would never leave you, I did not leave you and would never do that," Francis said pulling me in for a hug. "Really?" I asked wiping the tears from my eyes. "Of course," he smiled holding me closer to his chest. "I am here for you, do not worry," Francis said rubbing my back. "I should have listened to you, I am sorry." I apologized, but he shook his head. "Never say sorry Arthur, it was not your fault," he said sounding like he tried to hold in a cry.

"Just like it was not my fault what happened to me, it is not your fault what happened to you. There are just really bad people in the world. If you stay with me, I will make sure to always protect you from those people," Francis started to run his fingers in my hair. "Really?" I asked, calming down a bit. "I promise I will never leave you," he pulled away to smile at me. We started to slide down to the bed once more as he continued to comfort me by rubbing my back.

I have been having terrible nightmares since what happened. It is like I can't escape. Every time I close my eyes I still see the evil disgusting look of enjoyment Ivan had on his face as he was attacking me. I started to wrap my arm around Francis so I could hold him tightly as well. "Arthur, do not be sad. One day it really will be just a bad dream" Francis whispered to me. "What if it does not feel like that?" I asked scared. "Then I will still be there to make sure you are okay. I will wake up every night if it meant I know you are sleeping safe and sound," he looked at me in such a loving way.

"I really hope you are telling me the truth," I laughed putting my head on his chest. "Arthur, I think I am falling for you," Francis said making me look at him in a fast way. "What?" I asked, confused. " I think I am in love," he repeated. "No, I meant that in a different way," I tried to explain to his innocent behavior. "Do you feel the same?" He asked in a caring way. " I can not confirm or deny it at the moment. But there is something there. I just do not....want to be heartbroken again," I tried to explain sadly.

"The day I leave you heartbroken is the day I must have lost my mind. I would never do such a thing," Francis smiled at me, kissing my cheek. "Are you just saying this because I brought you back from the dead?" I laughed in a joking way. "Nope, my feelings for you are genuine," he smiled in a hopeful way. I looked up at him and smiled nicely. "Thank you, this has helped me" I laughed hugging Francis tighter. "Of course, my love, anything for you" he smiled into my hair.


The next morning I woke up feeling extremely warm. "Mmmm?" I groaned opening my eyes. I have never slept that good in forever. I looked around and saw Francis was holding me close under the blanket. "Huuuhhhh," I hummed out, trying not to blush from the situation. My straight face soon turned to a smile as I sunk deeper in bliss.

"Arthur?" Francis called, making me tense up. "Yes? I wasn't doing anything," I said, about to get up, but he held me closer. "Let's stay like this longer," he hummed against my skin. "Alright, Fine.... only for a little while," I said, defeated. My smile dropped as I felt him give me such warm hugs. How can someone be so loving the way he is? I did not understand that.

"You are possibly the world's kindest person," I laughed, messing his hair up. "You, my dear, are possibly the most beautiful in the world," he said starting to flirt again. "How do you manage to always flatter me," I laughed getting up from the bed. "Wait, no! Come back!" Francis whined as I started to stand up. "No! I love you," he pretended to cry. "I do too, but I need to shower-." We both stopped at what I said.

"What?" He asked, shocked. "What?" I asked him back to confuse him. Luckily he was confused. "Well, I am going to shower," I laughed, walking away very quickly. "Wait!" He called, but I had closed the door behind me. I am possibly the most stupid human being in the entire world.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I wanted to slap myself. "Arthur Kirkland, get it together," I told myself through the mirror. He will forget what I said if I am lucky enough to avoid the embarrassment. I shook my head nervously and started to remove my clothes, and tying a plastic bag over my cast. What if that spell is not permanent? I should not get too attached until I have found out what exactly will come of Francis in the end.

Thanks for reading, I do have something to discuss real quick. *grabs chair to sit*
I want to mention some things. I do know that this book has some sensitive stuff, like....what happened in chapter 10
I would like to say that I always try and spice my books up by putting real life experiences in them at times. It is my way of coping with things I guess. So if you get offended by some of the content, I am sorry.

You can stop reading, I understand. But I put passion in my writing, and whenever I write about serious stuff, I usually have some reasons.... those reasons are to help me cope with stuff I go through in my life. (Because I ain't perfect)

I suppose this chapter is kind of to put some light on what people actually go through. #metoo
Anyway, I really hope you like the book so far and will continue to read. I mean no offense when some issues pop up. I am sorry.

Anyway, hope you read more❤️❤️❤️❤️

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