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Everything was so blank. I couldn't breath. My body started burning again. Just like the other day. I laid down on my room. Sweating and panting. Mabel stood there like a fool not doing a thing. After Bill brought me back Mabel started bombarding me with questions about him. I was starting to get pissed when all of a sudden I started getting really hot. Which leads me to fall of my bed into the ground screaming in pain.

Mabel still didn't do anything she just watched
"M-m-Mabel.........g-go...and get.........I-ice....water"
I tried breathing out at my stupid sister. She looked at me for a few minutes more before nodding and running out the door. I closed my eyes and breath in sharply. Is mabel fucking stupid or just not thinking? Who the fuck just stares as they're twin is on the floor basically dying. I hear her footsteps come running in. She's holding a transparent large bucket that had water and ice. She came closer to me and looked at me in the eyes quickly dumping it on top of me. Not waiting for a signal and probably not thinking or maybe was that if she did that again it could make matters worse. I closed my eyes shut and let the water fall. I was panting harder.

The water instantly made me relax and make the heat go away. I sigh deeply and try to get up. Failing miserably. I try again and hold onto the wall for support. I look at Mabel clearly angry.
"What the fuck Mabel!!!"
I yelled at her she stares at me in disbelief and glares back crossing her arms over her flat chest.
"Is that the thanks I get for basically saving your life?!"
She yells at me. I scoff and glare harder at her which makes her flinch
"You just stood there and did nothing!! Then when I tell you to do something you do it, did you know if you suddenly dumped that cold water on someone when there in pure heat that it could give them a bad reaction?! It could even make them sick into the point of death if it's not treaded!!!"
I yelled at her making her shut up.
"Thought So. You know what just get out"
I said looting at the door
She asks me in disbelief I groan
I yell at her she huffs and leaves. Slamming the door in the process. I groan as I look down at the mess. I take my towel and start drying the floor off. When I'm done I toss the now soaked towel into the bucket.

I take blue out of my bed and the three big books as well. She transforms and looks at me gasping at my drenched body.
"Master are you okay? You should change before you get a fever"
She said concern in her voice and eyes. I nod and change into black leggings and an oversized light blue warm sweater. My hair damped and my skin now cold.
"Blue Can you copy me when I'm talking to you into your pages?"
I ask her she nods
"Ok good when I talk to you I want you to write down exactly what I say and decide then into the sections I tell you to ok?"
I inform her she nods. I start her as well. After a few hours we finished two of the books. I sigh and lay down on the bed. I hear a mock on the door.

"If it's you mabel then leave me alone!!!"
I yell
"It's not her kiddo it's me your uncle Stan can I come in?"
He asks me. Which takes me by surprise. I didn't think uncle Stan would come to me. He didn't seem to have much in common to me. I look at blue and motion for her to change back. She nods and turns Into her books.
"Ok you can come in now uncle Stan"
I say. He opens the door and steps in. He looks around nodding at my room.
"I like what you did to the place"
He says to me in only nod. He sighs and walks over to me sitting down at the end of the bed.
"Mabel told me what happened, are you ok now kiddo?"
He asked me I nod again not speaking
"She also told me how you blamed her and got angry at her for nothing"
He said again. Here it comes, he's going to hate me now. Everyone always does. No one ever truly cares. It's always Mabel. Never me.
"Is it true?"
He asks me I look at him with a blank stare
"Does it matter? Yes i got angry at her because when I was having that attack she just stood there and looked at me, doing nothing until I told her to go and get water with ice"
I told him the truth, now let's see if he believes me. He stares at me and then hugs me. Which takes me by surprise. Why is he hugging me?
"I believe you kid, I'll always believe you I know how it feels to be left alone trust me my own family trough me out because of one mistake"
He says letting me go. I look at him with a sad look. He stands up and starts walking to the door
"I'll leave now goodnight dipper"
He says leaving
I say.

He cared. He actually cared. He didn't lie to me and he actually believed me. It's been so long since someone showed that they actually cared. I sigh and lay down on the bed. Letting my mind wonder and fall into slumber.
Heya pinetree~
What are you doing here? How are you here?
Well fun fact about me I'm a dream demon!! Also the most powerful demon from all over the multi universes!!!
That explains a lot, but you just had to wait till I asked you?
Great, well I got everything. But why did you need all of this for?
So you could learn new magic
Is that all?
Yes~, your starting to wake up pinetree. I'll see you later!!! Remember reality is an ilusión the universe is a hologram, buy gold bbbbbbyyyyyeeeeeee!!!

My eyes shot open as I look around my empty room.

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