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"Where the hell is it?!"
Uncle ford asked desperately. For the 100th time today. And I'm already sick of his yelling. I groan and walk up to him.
"What are you looking for that's so important, that you had to wake me up at 4 in the god damn morning?!"
I yelled at him.  He looks at me as if I was stupid. I look back at him the same way.
"The rift child the rift!!!"
He yells. I stare at him confused rift?.
"Uncle Ford!! He's not supposed to know!"
Yelled Mabel from behind me. I look at her confused. Is she talking about Bill maybe?

"Well too bad I'm telling him!!! Look dipper 3 years ago your sister and us along with a few other people, where able to defeat this evil dream demon called Bill. So I created this container that closed the gateway to his world!!. And I can't find that damn container. So look for a snow globe like thing that looks as if it has a galaxy inside it!!!"
He yells going back to searching. So if it's missing does that mean Bill has it? No he can't get in here unless he comes with his physical form. He's still weak.

Then that means someone else took it. But who? If I get my hands on that rift our plans could upgrade from 23 to 89 in a heart beat. I walk out of the living room. From all the crazy, and go outside.  I walk around the shack and spot some sparkles. I look down at it and grab some of it. I go back inside into the living room and see it was a mess. The furniture was upside down and Ford was mumbling to himself.
"Hey uncle ford where did these sparkles come from? I found them out in the woods when I went exploring the other day"
I asked him making a believable lie. He groans and looks at my hand before turning away.
"That's fairy dust nasty little creatures, they live in deep into the south side of the woods, I'm telling you they only care about themselves don't even think of talking to them. They're a waist of time"
He explained going back to mumbling to himself.

They must've took it. But why? I mean if ford is telling the truth why would they go to all the trouble and risk getting caught? I go back outside and start bedding south. Deep into the woods. I walked for a few hours and then I say an opening. The sky seemed more blue. The trees and grass where glowing. The flowers where so wide spread it was like a thin coat. Scattering all over the place. I walk over to the middle and see. Was it a fairy? Is that how they look like? Well they do seem to be as fiction says they look like.

A fairy the size of my hand was floating just a few feet away from my face. She had a long skin tight purple dress. Her hair was a long deep red color. She had pale skin. Her jewelry matched her silver blue eyes. Her crown was a deep gold. And she held a cold stare.
"To what do I owe this visit? Human?......no your not human, what are you?"
She asks coming closer to me.
"Well I'm human as far as anyone and me know which is a fact. And to answer your first question your majesty then I came here to see if you had the rift"
I explained. She hums and nods
"We do what of it?"
She ask putting her hands on her hips.
"May I have it?"
I asked her. I hear some others gasp. I look around and see other fairy's surrounding us.
"No Now leave this place and never come back"
She glared at me I sigh.
"Please I need it"
I begged
"Why would a human like you need the rift? If it's go open it then no again, I'm not going to let a human destroy my subjects just because I made the foolish mistake to give the rift to you"
She declares
"As a mater of fact that's exactly why I want it"
I state.

She waves her hand at me and next thing I know I'm in chains. On my neck wrists and ankles. I look at her not surprised. If my guess is correct then she's going to stop at nothing to make sure that the rift stays closed. I kneel down on one knee and look up at her.
I ask again. She goes up to me.
"Why? If I do then all of my subjects would die on the hands of that psychotic demon and his friends"
She explained. I smile up at her
"I promise you that I will make sure he does no such thing, I promise to all of the creatures of the forest that Bill and his friends will not harm any of you"
I say to all of them. She looks at me confused
"And how would you that?"
She asks me. I smile
I yell. Bill pops up next to me with a smirk. I hear gasps and see the queen look at him in fear.
"Bill look at me!!"
I yell. Bill looks at me with an amused grin in his yellow eyes.
"Promise me You won't harm the creatures of the forest, promise me"
I say to him.
"If that's what you want my dear, but they must all promise to not try and go behind my back. And I'll make sure that my henchman don't lay a single demonic finger on them."
Bill states snapping his fingers making the chains disappear. I look back at the queen and smile
"So do we have a deal?"
Bill asks her she sighs in relief. And nods holding out her tiny hand.
"Yes we have a deal"
She said both shaking hands. I nod. She turns to me and waves her hand making the rift appear in my hand.
"Thank you"
I say to her she smiles at me and nods

"Come and visit us my subjects seem to like you"
She says I nod and starts walking away. Bill at muy side.
"Why pinetree?"
Bill asks me. I look at him.
"Why What?"
I ask him
"Why would you go and talk to her if you could've talked to me and i could've made her given us the rift?"
He asks me I smirk at him
"Aren't you the all knowing demon?"
I muse at him which he just pouts. I laugh and shake my head.
"Well.......because I want to make friends out of all the creatures of this forest besides they don't seem to be the backstabbing type of creatures, besides it seems I Can comunícate with them quite nicely"
I explain making him hum. I look at the rift in my hands and give it to Bill.

"After I'm done destroying anything that could possibly hurt you or your friends then we can do the honors and open the whole new world"
I say to him. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hand. His left hand around my waist and his right on the back of my head. His head in the crook of my neck.
"Mason...........why would you give yourself to me so easily, to my world so easily?"
Bill asks me. I hug him from the neck. My mouth right beside his ear.
"Because you gave me something to have worth living for.........
I say slowly making him face me our foreheads on each other. Our lips just a few inches apart.

You gave me the thrill of living and for that I both thank and love you"
I finish. His eye locks with mine. I seem to be lost on them as he closed them as well as me. Closing the space between us bill pulls me closer. Our lips locking with each other. His hold on me tightened and it felt as if I was floating. The kiss deepened and soon I felt his tongue lick my lips asking for entrance. Which I gave. His tongue was going through each creek and lock of the inside of my mouth. And it felt good. My hands travelled up into his hair tugging at it softly.

My lungs craving for air desperately. As we both separated our foreheads touching slightly as we both panted for air. I smile at him as he smiles back at me. His smile genuine as well as his happy eyes.
"Well I'll be dammed who new you where such an expert on kissing pinetree"
Bill mused with a smirk. I scoff and hit him lightly on the arm. He laughs making me laugh along with him.

Nice. This moment is so nice. I wish it could stay like this forever. But just as most happy moments. They all must come to an end.
"Dipper bill?!"
I heard my sister yell. I look up surprised and see her look at bill with fear. My uncles right behind them. Ford quickly takes out a gun type things and shoots Bill. Making bill hiss in pain and collapse into my arms.

I yell desperately.

Hello everyone so yeah normally I would post one a day but since I've been gone so long I decided on two instead of one!!! Now aren't i proud?! Yes. Yes I am.

Fun news I just hit 2k reads!!!!! I'm so happy!!! Yay. Also to celebrate it I decided to make the next chapter a bit longer then the others so you can decide on how long I should make it!!!!

Here are the options!!!
A. 2,000 words
B. 3,000 words
C. 1,700 words
D. 4,000 words

Give me your choices quick since I'm going to start right away!!!

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