You suit me (Sebastian Danzig)

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Your POV

I wake up at 6 am and get ready for work. "Alexa, give me my work briefing," The echo dot  beside my bed pauses my music as it begins to list off my day.

"8 till 10 front of house, 10 till 12:00 restock any empty racks and help any customers, 12:00 till 1:00 lunch break, 1:00 till 5:00 new client appointment." My music begins again as Don't feel quite right by palaye royale ends. I smile as my favourite song begins and I sing along to dying in a hot tub. Once 7 am comes I down the last dregs of my coffee and head out to my car and drive towards the mall I work within. Once I pull into the parking lot I head inside quickly attaching my name badge to my plain black t shirt and brushing down my jeans. I quickly put my phone in my pocket and leave my jacket in my locker before heading out onto the shop floor. My boss Jaime stops me as I am heading towards the registers. 

"Y/N, you have a new client coming in at 1, they are having a completely customised suit today may bring him in as a permanent customer and his fame factor could really help business. I'm entrusting you with him as you've been here the longest and know all of the extra add ons, you are one of my most trusted tailors." I know for a fact my cheeks tint pink at the unexpected compliment. 

"Thanks Jaime. You said he was famous, will I know him?" He smirks.

"You'll just have to wait and see," I groan and walk off to begin on the cash registers. The first few hours are slow with barely any customers, I eat my lunch with half an hour too spare so head in to the fitting room putting my earphones in and my Palaye playlist on and arranging everything ready and making sure all the necessary fabrics are in place. I'm dancing around to death dance singing along softly when a hand on my shoulder startles me. I yank my earphones out quickly. 

"I'm sorry, I came in to set up and time must have gotten away from me," 

"It's okay, I'm early any way," I recognize the voice instantly and look up to confirm my worst nightmare. Sebastian Danzig Kropp just walked in on me dancing around and singing along to one of his songs, if I wasn't already bright red I was now. 

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you,"

"I'm Sebastian, it's nice too meet you too." Trying my hardest not to fangirl and stay professional I once again apologise.

"I'm sorry about that by the way,"

"It's okay, you obviously have a very good taste in music," He grins at me. 

"Yeah, that's the only song I know by that band though, there called something like paypal royal. I'm not entirely sure."

"It's something like that, i've heard their guitar player is like a complete douche too," 

"I don't know about a douche," He raises  his eyebrow as we both laugh.

"Hmm, I've heard he's devilishly handsome though," Is he trying to flirt? With me? 

"The singer's more my speed," His expression drops before quickly going back into a grin. "So Sebastian, should we get to your suit?" 

"We shall," He stands on the small platform as I begin to take his measurements, I finish measuring for his jacket quickly as we continue to throw banter back and forth. I then end up measuring for his trousers which is quite awkward considering he's my idol. I finish measurements as quick as possible before we head over to the table and begin to discuss customisations.

"So obviously you're going to have all of the necessary pockets but how about you add an extra hidden one for a gin flask?"

"That sounds amazing," I add it to my notes.

"Will you be wearing it on stage?" He thinks for a second.

"It's highly likely, why?"

"Well, I can make the whole suit a lighter material with the same fabric to stop you from getting too warm and I could add a removable holder for guitar picks."

"I honestly would never have thought about that,"

"Well that's my job, and I love what I do." 

"I love how you do it," He winks at me and I kid you not my face is on fire, I hide my face in my hands. "Hey, don't hide your face," I shake my head and he chuckles slightly. One of his hands removes mine from my face and the other lifts my eyes to meet his, he's much closer to me than before. Our eyes meet and my heart skips a beat. His eyes flicker towards my lips and mine do the same to his. He closes the distance between us his lips pressing against mine, it takes a second and I hesitate momentarily but I kiss back. We pull away and the moment of ecstasy leaves immediately. 

"Shit, Sebastian. I'm so sorry."

"Y/N, I kissed you, if anyone should be sorry it's me." I shake my head. "I'm serious, it was wrong of me," 

"Sebastian, that's not it." He furrow's his eyebrows. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I like you, I really like you. But I've had a bad past with relationships and I'm honestly not looking to rush into one right now." 

"I like you too, and honestly I'd be happy to wait for you,"

"You'd wait for me?"

"Obviously I want to get to know you more first if you'd possibly have me in the future?" I nod smiling. "So when do you get off work?" 

"You're my last appointment, so as soon as we're done."

"How about we go for a drink when you're done?" 

"That sounds good to me," We spend around half an hour flirting and finishing the modifications on his suit, once we put the order through, Sebastian pays for his suit and we head towards starbucks. 

"You know what I think Y/N?"

"What do you think Sebastian?"

"I think you suit me,"


I want to thank Fluidishfriend for helping me with some of the ideas for this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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