Death the Kid x Reader One-shot

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  You were devastated. You were crushed. You were betrayed. You were enraged. The question is why. The answer: You just got out long-term relationship with your boyfriend. The reason: You found out he cheated on you the day before your birthday.

He said he had something else to do. Turns out you saw him walking hand-in-hand with another girl. You were heart-broken. When he came back to the apartment you two were sharing, you immediately packed your bags and told him you knew about his affair. You left the place enraged. (Not before destroying the place.)

Luckily, Maka and Soul offered you to stay at their apartment until you could find a place of your own. They, along with Blair and Crona, stayed up all night with you. You were crying a river. Who could blame you? You were supposed to have a birthday date. Instead, there won't be a birthday date. Maybe you won't have a Happy Birthday...

The next day, Soul, Maka, and Crona, were walking with you to school. When you reached the Crescent Moon class, many people noticed how you're not happy and energetic today. They were wondering what happened to you. You sat next to Maka and Crona since you didn't want anyone else to know about your break-up. 

Soul thought it was so uncool how your ex-boyfriend cheated on you. He didn't want you to have to suffer the effects of your break-up. That's when the cool Soul came up with a solution. He went over to Kid, thinking he could save you from the madness.

"Hey Soul. What's wrong with (First Name)?" Kid asked him. Soul was the only one who knew about his crush on you. He planned on confessing his love to you one day. However, that was the same day you told him (ex-boyfriend's name) asked you out. Not wanting to ruin you happiness, he didn't confess his love. It was like a battlefield whenever he saw you being so affectionate with (ex-boyfriend's name).

"(First Name) found out (ex-boyfriend's name) had an affair." Soul told Kid. Kid was shocked, and then he was furious.

"He did WHAT?!" Kid asked Soul. He explained everything to Kid. This whole scenario infuriated Kid. He allowed someone else to take you away from him, only to find out that person betrayed you. As much as Kid wanted to go beat the crap out of (ex-boyfriend's name), his first priority was you. First thing he wants to do is cheer you up and give you the best birthday ever.

"I have an idea. I'll take (First Name) out on her birthday." Kid told Soul. He agreed to it. You spend the day with your friends, trying to not think about your ex-boyfriend. 

After school, Kid asked you if you wanted to hang out with him. When you were about to decline, he pulled out your birthday present. You were gleaming in happiness to see his birthday present. He got you tickets to see Justin Timberlake in concert.

"Kid! Oh my gosh!" you said as you clapped you hand on your mouth, screaming on the inside with excitement. "How did you get these? I heard the concert was sold out." you asked him.

"Father was able to convince them to get last minute tickets. I know how much you love his music. I thought it would be a good way for us to spend your birthday. We never spend time like we used to. What do you say?" he asked you. How could you say no to him? You gladly accepted. You went back to change into (your favorite outfit.) Kid picked you up and flew you to the concert on his skateboard.

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