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It has been said that if we don't learn from our past mistakes we will never learn. All it takes is one moment for the future to change.


The country of Kadrin was peaceful and ruled by a royal family. The family was well liked by all their subjects. They always had the people of the country in mind when making important decisions and always held the most amazing balls for everyone to enjoy.

Within this family there was king Lucius, queen Annabelle, princess Marina and prince Caden. The family had close ties with many of the surrounding countries and even betrothed their young prince Caden to the princess of Alarden. By doing so, the children would help strengthen both ties of their respective families and create a dynasty together,

The royal family of Kadrin had a special evening planned for the nobles and other royals at court, to celebrate the agreement of the betrothal between their son and the princess of Alarden. Everyone at the event were having a good time celebrating, although the royals from Alarden were unable to attend because of a previous engagement that rendered them unable to attend.

The celebration had gone into the late night and everyone had turned in, exhausted from the celebration. During the early hours of the morning a group of people had snuck into the palace. These people held a hatred towards the royal family because of the betrothal, they didn't want the country to become tied with Alarden.

The group of unknown people had crept through the palace corridors until they came up the sleeping quarters. One of them poured alcohol all through the large expanse hallway. Another grabbed a lighter to set aflame the alcohol soaked corridor. Just as the lighter hit the alcohol the group fled the scene but not before being noticed by one person, princess Maria who had woken up and opened her door.

Maria quickly closed the door behind her and rushed down another corridor to her parents' sleeping quarters. She burst through the room's door and rushed to wake her parents.

"Mom, dad, wake up! We have to leave NOW!" Maria shouted to her parents. They awoke confused at first, their daughter sounded insane to them.

"What's going on?" Annabelle questioned.

"There's no time to ask, we have to get Caden and leave!"

The family quickly went to retrieve Caden. The moment they left their quarters they now knew why Maria was in such a frenzy. They saw the large flame taking over the corridor. The family saw there was no exit ahead of them, so they rushed back to their living quarters.

They managed to find a back staircase used by their servants, so they rushed down those stairs thankful for the escape. Finally finding a safe corridor to run through, the family managed to leave the palace behind them. Looking back they all saw the black smoke coming out of windows and other cracks and crevices left behind by the flames.

Running through the back streets of the town that surrounded the palace, the family managed to get a safe distance away from the fire. Still holding her baby prince, Annabelle realized it may not be entirely safe for him to stay with them.

"Follow me, I know where we must go." Annabelle said to her husband and daughter. They followed her closely, as they snuck through alleys and empty streets. They continued in this manner until they came upon a small house just outside the town. Annabelle knocked on the door hoping that the person that resided in the house was there. After a few tortuous minutes the person answered the door.

"Annabelle!? What are you doing here? With king Lucius and your children?" The person questioned.

"The palace is burning down. We think someone attempted to assassinate us." Julius responded.

"Oh my god! Come in, come in." They replied, ushering the family inside. Once inside, everyone settled on chairs around a fireplace, just watching the flames and listening to the crackling of the wood.

"Why did you come here of all places? We haven't spoken in years, it's like you abandoned your sister after you officially got married and became queen. Not to mention our parents no longer had interest in me, they were only nice enough to give this house." Annabelle said. Annabelle watched as her sister's eyes glazed over in the firelight, she had no idea that her sister went through all that after her marriage to Lucius.

"I'm so sorry you went through all that. I had no idea, but we came here because I knew you would help us." Annabelle replied.

"What makes you think I'd help the sister that ruined my life, I was no longer considered part of the family because you gained so much power. Our parents didn't stop to think of me anymore."

"I'm sorry Amelia, but please my family needs your help now more than ever!"

"What can I possibly do, I have nothing."

"Take my children. Take them away from this country, they aren't safe here anymore."

"You want me to take Caden and Maria? God knows where?"

"Yes, Lucius and I will provide you with everything you need now and in the future. But we have to go into hiding until we know for sure it will be safe."

"Mom you can't be serious!? I don't even know her. You say she's my aunt but I never met her." Maria replies to her mother's idea. She never thought her mom would leave her like this, but what eight year old would think this.

"Oh Maria, my spiteful little girl. I love you, I just wish we had more time. You can't be with your father and I right now. What I need you to do is take care of your brother, he'll need you to teach all the things we have taught you." Annabelle tells her daughter. The thought of leaving her daughter started to bring tears to her eyes.

"Maria come here." Lucius says. He knew that Annabelle had a sister, but he always thought that they had grown apart because of how busy Lucius kept them. He never once thought he was the source of the problem. So when it came to Annabelle's idea of giving his children to his sister in law, he didn't think twice. He knew right now that since very few people knew of Amelia that his children would be safe.

"Your mother and I need you to be strong. This is not goodbye. We will come back one day and be a family once again. Until then you need to help your aunt Amelia take care of your brother. You'll be going far away from here. Give me your hand." Lucius gently grabbed his daughter's hand and placed a ring he had received from his coronation in his daughter's hand.

"Keep this safe for brother, until he is old enough. And take my coat." He took off the coat and placed it around his daughter's shoulders. Seeing her husband give his daughter a couple items, Annabelle took off the necklace Lucius had given her when they had their first date. She swore that she would never take it off, being that it was a cherished item she thought it would be best to give it to her daughter.

Annabelle looked down at Caden who had fallen back to sleep in her arms. She walked over to Amelia and carefully placed Caden in her arms. Tears had started to slowly flow out of her eyes. Lucius walked towards her and embraced in his arms.

Lucius led them both towards the door. They looked back once more, carefully memorizing their children and promising themselves that they will be back for them one day.

"Take care of my children." Annabelle says. With that the monarchy of Kadrin had fallen.

A/N: I have decided to go to this book. I have had so many ideas for how this storyline will go and I can't wait to write it.

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