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"A crown and castle simply do not make the queen. It is her actions and devotion to her people that decide her reign." She said as she intricately wove the child's blonde locks into braids. "It would be unwise of you to not remember my advice my sweet."

The child blinked, her lashes covering her dark green orbs, pondering what her mother had said to her. She pulled her head to the side slightly, earning a sigh from the middle aged women behind her, and faced her. "I don't understand."

"You don't understand what my child?"

The girl looked to her mother. "Why must I become queen?"

Her mother's eyes mirrored her own, attempting to console the child with what reassurance she could in order to make her understand. "It is not of importance now. You will understand one day when the time comes. Now let me finish your braids, Riyah."

Riyah slowly nodded and reluctantly turned her head back into place, sitting comfortably in front of her mother once again. She still did not understand the importance of becoming queen. Even as a child she had heard the stories of what the crown could do.

'It could turn people mad' She thought. For her own father had been poisoned by his own men. She never met him but her mother had told her so. The union between her mother and father had left many sour tastes in people's mouths. For what reason, Riyah did not know. She knew she did not want to be queen.

Her mother finished the last braid and told her to wash up before dinner. The sun had already set and the night moon had captured the sky in its place. Riyah loved the night and enjoyed the coolness of the breeze against her ivory pale skin as she walked to the watering trough outside their home. She watched as the water rippled underneath her hands, disrupting the reflection of herself staring back at her. She did not look someone who could rule over people much less a kingdom.

She became startled with a sudden noise in the distance and turned to face it only to be greeted by an arrow. The arrow flew past her body, igniting the material of her home aflame. She could see the rest of the village beginning to do the same as a thick coat of black smoke rose into the night sky. The shadowy outlines of men could be spotted, blending well into the cover of darkness. The sound of metal clinging and footsteps grew closer. Riyah new she could not fight them, she was but a child. It was almost as if she had been paralyzed with fear. She could not move.

Her mother rushed out of their home, an old heavy blade in hand. Her father's sword. She yelled for her to hide but Riyah could not hear. She could only gaze at her mother, her eyes wide and face flushed. Her ears rang as her heart raced, pounding with adrenaline. Her mother ran to her, pushing her down into a hidden corner.

"Stay hidden, my sweet." She begged, fierce green eyes pleading with frightened green eyes, mother to daughter. She nealt before Riyah, extending her hand out to meet her daughter's tearful cheek. She offered a gentle caress, temporarily wiping the tears away. "No matter what you see or hear. Do not come out."

With each tear shed Riyah remained as silent as best she could. Her mother had left her only to never return back to her. She was gone. The men had left, raiding the village clean of supplies and it's people. The crying screams of others echoed faintly into the distance as time past. From where she sat hidden she could see the outlines of the bodies of men from her village, hung for display. Those Women and children lucky enough had been taken. Those that weren't perished in the flames, their charred remains left scattered. A thick layer of blood coated the soil.

'Who could do this?" She sobbed. She stayed hidden in the corner, sitting with her knees up to her chest. She could remain out sight but she could no longer fight the cries that broke the tranquility of the night.

As she cried and repeatedly questioned the gods, she could hear the sound of hooves approaching her. She immediately fell silent for the sound of horses grunting grew closer.

'Had the men come back for her?'

No. They were different. Both men and women, resembling the people from her village, adorning intricate braids just like hers. They stopped their horses. There was a man with blonde hair woven into one long braid, a full beard to match, and bright blue eyes. He dismounted followed by a woman. Her hair braided at the top with blonde locks flowing down upon her shoulders. Her blue eyes scanned their surroundings as she held her hand up, signaling for silence. They had heard her.

Riyah slowly crept out from her hiding space yet still remaining out of their line of sight. Or so she thought.

"It seems there's a girl still alive."

Riya was immediately plucked from her space, her feet leaving the ground as she was thrown over the shoulder of a taller muscular man. She did not fight him knowing he could easily overpower her.

She was roughly thrown onto the ground in front of the man and woman she had seen arriving just moments before. The woman eyed her suspiciously. The man only smiled down at her.

"What is your name, child?" He said.

She looked up at him, nervously debating on what she should tell him. If his intentions were to kill her he would have surely done so without asking her of her name. "Riya."

At the mention of her name he only seemed to smile wider. The woman stepped forward and nealt down to the ground to meet her eyes.

"Riya." He said, testing her name upon his lips. "Do you know who I am?"

She shook her head. No.


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