Chapter 20

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"Why did you come with him?"

Bjorn leaned over, hunching down to Riyah's height in order to continue his berate assault. His bear size suffocated her, a slight use of intimidation. And it worked, she faltered in her argument, unsure of what to say as she felt his hot breath stimulate the tiny hairs of her neck to stand.

It felt as if ages had passed in time since Harold had stepped away, claiming he needed a private conversation with Halfdan. The mass of people crowding around the platform strengthened her doubts of that conversation ever happening. It was odd of him to sneak away in such a manner, but she knew it was what kings did best.

If it weren't for Bjorn chastising in her ear, she wouldn't be able to hear anything. She could barely hear herself think over the commotion's excitement. It was the night before the heathen war, the only night left to appease the Gods.

Just as others wanted to appease, Riyah silently pleaded to the Gods for help instead.  She knew it was to no use even if the Gods did answer her prayers. Bjorn was not a man to accept 'no' as an answer even if it were moments before the sacrifice.

"It is none of your concern, Bjorn." She derided, crossing her arms over her chest. Her round hip protruding distinctly as her weight shifted away from Bjorn.

"I believe it is. I agreed to share you with him, not be replaced by him. You've avoided me long enough." Bjorn scoffed, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her back to him.

The avoidance was true and if she had it her way, it would have continued. It fueled her desire to be defiant. "Leave me be. Now is not the time to discuss this."

"I think it is the perfect time." He said matter of factly. "Now I'll ask again, why did you come here with him?"

"And I'll say it again! This is none of your concern!" She shouted, her voice only coming out just a pitch above normal. She attempted to shimmy away once more, but she ended up chest to chest with the bear of a man. Her palms flew to his chest to shove him back, but her heart sunk in the pit of her stomach as he stood unwavered. All her strength and not even a simple stumble was elicited from it.

"When will you learn, hm?" He wrapped his hands around her wrists and held the to his chest. "You can't avoid me. Now tell me why you came with him?"

"Tell me why your attention is on her?" Riyah interrogated as she nodded towards Astrid.

She didn't know that night who Bjorn had laid with just down the hall of her room, but she could guess by the way he looked at her. She wasn't born yesterday. Longing and lust filled eyes drew the icy cold blue shade of norm. It was a habit he had formed and Riyah had noticed everytime he desired a woman, including her, it would happen. It was happening now with Astrid, not her.

He faltered. "She is none of your concern."

"Oh, she isn't? Is that the same thing you tell your wife everytime you sleep with another? Yours eyes tell a different story, Bjorn." Riyah seethed. She pulled her wrists from his grip and ripped herself from his arms.

"Is everything alright here?" Harold bellowed over the crowd, Halfdan just a few steps behind him. His arm found Riyah's waist, not in a possessive manner, but a protective one. It reassured her he was there for support. He had her back.

"Yes, Bjorn was just leaving." She glared, eyes fueling with rage. It was a shocking feeling in itself. How could she feel an emotion like that so strongly towards someone she had grown up loving?

"Riyah," Bjorn said courteously. "King Harold, Halfdan."

Riyah said nothing as Bjorn took his leave, her jaw was clenched. She followed the path he choose to take, opposite side of the open isle splitting the crowd in two. His eyes refused to look her way and instead glanced upon Astrid.

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